William Van Lente '69
My favorite course was Social Psychology under Dr. James Lundy given it bridged my interest in psychology with organizational development. My most fun course was Field Techniques in Anthropology which was an actual physical anthropology excavation.
Marisa Simoni '15
Academic memory- Dr. Todd Williams and Dr. Christine Smiths research labs. Still a social psychologist at heart. Non academic memory- Mondays at Founders Brewery
Ieisha Humphrey '05
My favorite Grand Valley memory is the Community Working Classics program within the Philosophy department. I had the honor of designing and teaching a humanities course to students who would not otherwise been exposed to the subject.
Marion Maier '71
Tugs-of-war across the library pond
Wendy Kettler '92
Hanging in the Kirkhof Center, playing pool and talking with friends between class and studying abroad at Kingston, UK.
Diane Knight '79
My favorite GV memory was traveling with the football and basketball teams (as a cheerleader) to play in tournaments.
Jerry Elkins '70
My favorite GV memory is having Physical Education classes in the old farmhouse.
Jamie Munson '13
I have so many great memories from GVSU. If I had to pick one, it'd be my freshman year watching our football team in the playoffs on an ESPN-televised game. It was absolutely freezing out. We won the game and all the students stormed the field afterward.
David Luke '07
My favorite GVSU memories are probably related to the group road trips to Florence, Alabama for the 2005 and 2006 Division II National Championship football games.