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The logo of the GVSU Office of Title IX and Institutional Equity, GVPD Shield, and the logo of the GVSU Center for Women and Gender Equity together in a horizontal line.

This website is a collaboration between the Grand Valley Police Department, the GVSU Office of Civil Rights and Title IX, and the GVSU Center for Women and Gender Equity. It is intended to be a resource to GVSU community members who are victim/survivors of interpersonal violence, or for those close to them who are seeking help on their behalf. This page will provide you with various reporting options, as well as a variety of other resources both on and off campus. Whatever actions you decide to take after an incident of interpersonal violence occurs, we are here to provide support and guide you through the processes or help you access the resources you need. 

Page last modified August 9, 2024