Reporting an Incident

Report to Grand Valley State University

If you have experienced, witnessed, or been impacted by sexual misconduct, discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, GVSU encourages you to report the incident.

Reporting to GVSU allows our office to engage in an interactive process with you to discuss and provide supportive measures. You do not have to decide to file a formal complaint or choose any particular course of action. Coming to our office does not obligate you to initiate a university investigation unless you choose to do so.

Reports can be made by contacting the Acting Title IX Coordinator by phone, email, or in person. Reports can also be made at any time (including during non-business hours) through GVSU's online reporting form.

The decision to file a formal complaint is yours to make.

Report to Grand Valley Police Department

GVPD encourages victim/survivors of interpersonal violence to report to the police department. GVPD will help whether or not you choose to have a police investigation or prosecution. What happens after you report is your choice.

GVPD is available 24/7 to respond to reported incidents. Officers can assist you with contacting Title IX, the Victim Advocate or the Counseling Center, and can arrange transportation to a nurse examiner program if desired. If the incident occurred outside of GVPD's jurisdiction, we can assist in contacting the appropriate agency.

Dial 911 for all emergencies.

For non-emergency situations, contact GVPD at (616) 331-3255.

Learn the process for a victim/survivor of interpersonal violence when choosing whether to report to law enforcement

This video highlights what the process will look like for a victim/survivor of interpersonal violence when choosing whether to report to law enforcement. 

Page last modified August 9, 2024