Photovoice Gallery

Photovoice Summer: Pets (12 Photos)

From cats to dogs and every other animal in between, pets are a popular way to Press Pause. Pets can help lower levels of cortisol, the stress hormone (NIH) which demonstrates how our furry friends can help us rest, relax and refresh!

Photovoice Summer: Nature (12 Photos)

Spending some time outdoors, from winter to summer, is a great way to Press Pause! Being outside can help with attention, focusing and benefit our mental health (USDA) Check out how some students were able to Press Pause in the great outdoors or bring outside indoors!

Photovoice Summer: Food (9 Photos)

Constantly, being on the go with a full schedule can make it hard to just sit and mindfully eat a meal. Taking the time to sit down and enjoy one of your favorite foods or drinks can help to Press Pause. Here are some student’s favorite foods and drinks while Pressing Pause.

Photovoice Summer: Hobbies (10 Photos)

Setting aside time to do some of our favorite things can help us Press Pause. Hobbies give you time to be yourself and do what makes you happy. Here are some hobbies that can help you Press Pause