Friday, February 16, 2024

Schedule for Friday

9am EST Mark Staves, Professor of Biology, Grand Valley State University (Zoom/In-Person hybrid format)

Title: Plants in Space: Why, How and Who Cares?

10am EST  Niamh Shaw, Space Journalist, Scientist, and Educator, Dream Big Space and Science Communications (Zoom)

Title: Living In The Extremes - Stories from Analog Missions Across the Globe

11am EST Tim Evans, Director, GVSU Herbarium and Professor of Biology, Grand Valley State University (Zoom)

Title: Houston, we have a botanist! My 45-day simulated space mission at NASA's Human Exploration Research Analog (HERA)

12pm EST Break for Lunch

12:30pm EST George Pantalos, Professor of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery and Biomedical Engineering, University of Louisville (Zoom)

Title: "Flight Research – Steppingstone to Space"

1:30pm EST Debarati Chattopadhyay, Europa Clipper Operations Technical Lead at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (Zoom)

Title: Title: Europa Clipper  - the quest for habitability on an icy moon

2:30pm EST -  Mihir Gondhalekar, Co-Founder at StarPath (Zoom)

Title: "In-Situ Resource Utilization"

4pm-5:30pm EST -  In-Person Workshops at the Seidman Center (come and go, no set start time)

4:00pm EST - Workshop Event #1: Brad Ambrose, Professor of Physics, GVSU (in-person at the Seidman Campus, all ages)

Title: Prepare for the April 2024 Total Eclipse!

4:00pm EST - Workshop Event #2: Sara Maas, PCEC Outreach Coordinator, GVSU (in-person at the Seidman College of Business Building at the Pew Campus, kids under 10 will need an adult partner to help with construction )

Title: Solar Cybugs

5:30 pm EST – Reception and Viewing of Design That! Design Challenge Entries (in-person in lobby of Seidman College of Business Building at the Pew Campus)

6:30pm EST – Astronaut Robert Lee Satcher, Jr., MD, PhD. (ret.) (in-person at the Seidman Forum at the Seidman College of Business Building at the Pew Campus, also via Zoom)

Title: "Human Factors in Space Flight"

Page last modified February 15, 2024