Workshop #1 Ambrose
Bradley Ambrose, Professor of Physics, Grand Valley State University
4:00pm EST., Friday February 16th
Live at the Seidman Center, GVSU
Prepare for the April 2024 Total Eclipse!
Through this open-ended hands-on workshop for teachers, students, and families, you will learn about the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024: Why are such eclipses visible in only certain parts of the world, and why do they occur so infrequently? How are solar eclipses different from lunar eclipses? Participants can also assemble and take home low-tech equipment with which to safely view the total eclipse. Teaching resources used in this workshop have been developed by the Heliophysics Education Activation Team (HEAT), who work in partnership with the American Association of Physics Teachers with support from NASA. The teaching resources are available open-source at:
Dr. Bradley Ambrose is a professor in the Physics Department at GVSU and a nationally recognized member of the physics education research (PER) community. Dr. Ambrose has long been committed to the enhancement of physics education at all levels. He actively shares of his expertise in workshops for K-12 teachers and university faculty, facilitating professional workshops at regional and national meetings of the American Association of Physics Teachers and the American Physical Society conferences. Through projects supported by NSF and NASA/AAPT he has disseminated results from empirical research on student learning and developed PER-based instructional materials on various physics topics. Dr. Ambrose’s work has also focused on promoting science literacy among K-16 students, including outreach events such as Regional Science Olympiad and previous Roger That! symposia. Dr. Ambrose teaches a wide range of courses at GVSU, including those for introductory-level physics students, upper-level physics majors, non-science majors in the GVSU Honors College, and pre-service K-12 teachers.