Promotion vs. Search Waiver

"Promotion" heading

A promotion occurs when the responsibilities of a position increase enough to justify a new title and salary adjustment for the person in their current position. Promotions are department specific and are based on the increased duties/roles/responsibilities of the position, the needs of the department, as well as the available budget. In order to process the approval of a promotion, the promotion justification form and hiring approval form need to be completed. This packet will be sent from the Dean/Appointing Officer to Human Resources. Human Resources will route the packet to the Affirmative Action office and the Vice President for final approval.

Forms necessary for a promotion:

"Search Waiver" heading

A search waiver occurs when a position becomes vacant and another person is placed into that position without a search. If the position is filled by an internal faculty or staff members, this movement results in another vacated position and a search is done for that vacated position. Search waivers must be approved by Affirmative Action before placing a person into another position. In order to process the approval of a search waver, the search waiver form will need to be completed. In addition, the following documents must be submitted: hiring approval form, selection justification form, resume and transcripts of the candidate. This packet will be sent from the Dean/Appointing Officer to Human Resources. Human Resources will route the packet to the Affirmative Action office and the Vice President for final approval. You are encouraged to consult with the Affirmative Action office prior to completing the search waiver to determine whether it is likely to be approved.

Forms necessary for a search waiver:

Page last modified April 15, 2024