GVSUAlert! GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Thurs, Dec. 12, 2024. Exams not able to be held remotely will be rescheduled for Saturday. See email for details.
Geographic Information Resources for Haiti
Aerial photography for Haiti has been updated after the earthquake and is available through Google Earth and other sources. The Haitian government maintain as Geographic Information System (GIS) office in Port au Prince. Several GIS companies have stepped up to try to help Haiti after the January 2010 earthquake.
- Haiti Earthquake - GeoEye Satellite Imagery Download
- Geocommunity Nationwide GIS data
- The University of Texas at Austin Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
- 2007 USDA Report - Geospatial Data Availability for Haiti: An Aid in the Development of GIS-Based Natural Resource Assessments for Conservation Planning
- Comprehensive collection of GIS data layers including vector files of admin boundaries, hydrology, and many others.
- GIS files from the USGS including faults and geology