The President's Page

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“Together” has been our mantra, our guiding principle during the historic times in which we find ourselves. We cling to those who value others and our best ideals. Together, we can weather the storms of a global pandemic and civil unrest. We will do our part to encourage civility and respect, no matter the circumstances. Together, we can forge ahead to ensure brighter days within the sphere of our influence, most notably within our extended campus community.

President Philomena Mantella walks her dog on campus in the winter

President Philomena V. Mantella and Lily, her golden retriever, have had lots of walks together during the pandemic.

Despite the challenges we face, leaders at Grand Valley are focused on ensuring our mission as an educational institution is solid in purpose and expanding in nature. We are working to open the doors of our institution to more learners; and by doors, I include keyboards and any technological entry points we can find! As Nelson Mandela so aptly shared with us, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” We are working on positive changes at Grand Valley, knowing our alumni do change the world.

 The Reach Higher Together initiative began in 2019 and called upon the entire GVSU community to imagine and co-author our next chapter. We have moved from our initial engagements and questions into crafting strategies to advance the university in bold, new directions that will be our next strategic plan and take us through 2025. Reach Higher 2025 is our inclusive approach to charting a new path for the university with broad community involvement and energy, including those we serve and support.

“As we design our future, we remain committed to expanding access so the promise of a Grand Valley education is available to all learners throughout their lifetimes.”

We will reinforce our commitment to provide an education grounded in liberal education and expansive in professional studies. We will include digital competencies, entrepreneurial opportunities and experiential learning. As we design our future, we remain committed to expanding access so the promise of a Grand Valley education is available to all learners throughout their lifetimes (visit to learn more). We are also committed to our region. GVSU is a talent epicenter and an economic engine, and entrepreneurs and employers will be a key part of our future, as the university will be key to theirs.

These are exciting times, ripe with potential and opportunity.

Rest assured, Grand Valley is developing the former and seizing the latter, and we need all our allies to be a part of the process and the results. This year, 2021, is our time to unleash our creativity and passion and dare to dream of what our collective future can be.

It is time for us to prepare and Reach Higher Together.


Philomena Mantella