Department of English
English Education
243 Lake Huron Hall
(616) 331-8573
[email protected]
Robert Rozema
ENG 310 Teaching Writing: Secondary
ENG 311 Teaching Literature to Adolescents
ENG/DS 314 Digital Literacies
ENG 330 Studies in Fiction
ED 331 Methods and Strategies for Secondary Teaching
ED 432 Student Teaching in English
Research Interests
Secondary English Education, Comics Studies, Critical Autism Studies. I am the editor of Ought: The Journal of Autistic Culture.
Select Publications
Rozema, R. (2018). Seeing the spectrum: Teaching English language arts to adolescents with autism. Teachers College Press.
Rozema, R., & Ellis, L. (2014). Early career English teachers in action: Learning from experience, developing expertise. Routledge.
Rozema, R., & Webb, A. (2008). Literature and the web: Reading and responding with new technologies. Heinemann.
Book Chapters
Rozema, R. (2022). Remaking the image of autism: Why and how comics should reboot autistic representation. In Hardin, W., & Kiernan, J. (Eds.) Adaptations of Mental and Cognitive Disability in Popular Media (pp. 55-70). Lexington Books.
Rozema, R. (2012). From MUDS to the metaverse: The past and future of immersive literary environments. In Webb, A. (Ed.), Teaching literature in virtual worlds. Routledge, 2012 (pp. 157-172). Routledge.
Rozema, R. (2012). Building the Secondary Brave New World. In Webb, A. (Ed.), Teaching literature in virtual worlds. Routledge, 2012 (pp. 93-107). Routledge.
Rozema, R., & McGrail, E. (2009). New technologies and doctoral study in English education. In Webb, A. (Ed.), The Doctoral Degree in English Education. Kennesaw State UP.
Select Articles
Rozema, R. (2024). Not with but instead: A new framework for teaching graphic adaptations in secondary contexts. European Comic Art 17(1). (forthcoming summer 2024)
Rozema, R. (2015). Manga and the autistic mind. English Journal, 60-68. Winner, Edwin R. Hopkins Award.
Rozema, R. (2007). The book report, version 2.0: Podcasting on young adult novels. English Journal, 31-36.
Swenson, J., Young, C. A., McGrail, E., Rozema, R., & Whitin, P. (2006). Extending the conversation: New technologies, new literacies, and English education. English Education, 38(4), 351-369.
Rozema, R. (2003). Falling into story: Teaching reading with the literary MOO. English Journal, 93(1), 33-38
Google Scholar Profile
B.A., Calvin College
M.A., Michigan State University
Ph.D., Western Michigan University