Visiting Scholars
The English Department Visiting Scholars provide Grand Valley students with the opportunity to actively engage with the voices who are shaping English Language and Literature studies.

Euline Cutrim Schmid
Fall 2015
Euline Cutrim Schmid is a professor of Applied Linguistics and TEFL at the Pädagogische Hochschule (University of Education) in Schwaebisch Gmuend (PHSG), Germany where she teaches a variety of courses such as task-based language learning, computer assisted language learning (CALL) and applied linguistics. She has a PhD in linguistics and an MA in language teaching from Lancaster University, UK, as well as an MA in Applied Linguistics from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She is a CALL researcher and her academic publications are mainly in the areas of teacher education in CALL and the use of interactive technologies in the English language teaching context. She has been involved in several European projects funded by the European Commission, such as the iTILT project (Interactive Teaching in Languages with Technology), and one of her current projects focuses on the design of teaching and learning resources for supporting the development of cross-linguistic and cross-cultural awareness in the multilingual EFL classroom. Her publications have appeared in System, CALL, Computer and Language, Language Learning and Technology, and ReCALL. She is the author of Interactive Whiteboard Technology in the Language Classroom: exploring new pedagogical opportunities (2009), co-editor of Interactive Whiteboard for Education: Theory, Research and Practice (2010), and Teaching Languages with Technology (2014). Dr. Cutrim Schmid joins the English Department as visiting professor for the fall 2015 and teaches two courses, Foundations of Language Study and Teaching ESL under the exchange agreement between GVSU and PHSG.

Lin Ling
Fall 2015
Ling Lin, Lecturer in English in the College of Foreign Languages at China’s Three Gorges University in Yichang, teaches English reading and writing to undergraduate students majoring in sciences and engineering. She has a BA in English from Xi’an Institute of Translation and Interpretation and an MA in Applied Linguistics from Northwest University. She comes to us as a visiting scholar for the 2015-2016 academic year supported by the Scholarship Council of China. Her areas of interest are teaching methodology, literacy theory, and English Education. She will attend classes in applied linguistics and English education, interact with faculty and students, and do library-based research in these areas.

Chunyan Zhou
Fall 2014
Chunyan Zhou, Lecturer in English in the School of Foreign Languages at Chang’an University in China, teaches English (reading and writing) to college students who mostly major in science and engineering. She has a BA in English from Dalian Institute of Foreign Languages in Northeastern China and an MA in Applied Linguistics from Northwest University in Xi’an, China. She comes to us as a visiting scholar for six months supported by her university, and her areas of interest are sociolinguistics and pragmatics. She will attend some of our classes, interact with our faculty and students, and do library-based research in these areas.

Jessica Huang
Fall 2014
Jessica Huang is a lecturer in English in the School of Business at Xi’an International Studies University, where she teaches general linguistics, writing, reading, and translation to business majors. She received both her BA in English and MA in Modern Linguistics from Xi’an International Studies University, which is a Grand Valley partner institution and has been sending students to us since 2011. Her visit at Grand Valley is sponsored by the Chinese government and she will stay here for a year. Her primary goals as a visiting scholar while at Grand Valley will be to study the relationship between linguistic theory and TESOL, as well as factors that affect writing levels and quality. She will attend some of our classes, interact with faculty and students, and do library-based research.