Thinking about a Graduate Degree?

Making the decision on whether to pursue graduate or professional education requires time, reflection, and intentionality. Asking questions is the best way to determine if graduate or professional education is part of your future. Connect with advisors and faculty mentors who may be able to help you with this decision. Be sure to talk to a career counselor, family, and friends when thinking about your path.
The following units work to provide GVSU students with the best and most up-to-date information about the graduate and professional school application process as well as provide support to students as they navigate their academic careers.
- Career Center: Helps with individual career advising, full-time professional job/internship postings, on-campus interviews, resume and CV assistance, and simulated interviews.
- CLAS Academic Advising Center: Offers a variety of graduate and professional school resources, teacher certification information, sample letters, timelines, GRE prep, and task lists.
- GVSU Advising Centers: A comprehensive list of all advising centers across the university.
- University Counseling Center: Provides individual and group counseling, career counseling, educational programs, referral services, help with the stresses of graduate school, consultation, and training to all currently enrolled students.
- Alumni Relations: Hosts events related to graduate school and connects students and alumni.
- Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship: Offers a variety of opportunities and resources for undergraduates to pursue research and scholarship in various disciplines under the direction of a faculty mentor.
Exploration is also a part of making the decision whether to pursue graduate or professional education. Finding a career that is right for you takes time and research. These resources can help you in this decision-making process.
- Princeton Review - Advice on choosing a grad school.
- ProFellow - Fellowships, Fully-funded Ph.D. and Masters Programs.
- The Gradcafe - Searchable database of over 500,000 admission results or jump into a discussion in the forum.
- O*Net - Detailed descriptions of career pathways and job outlooks for job seekers.
- Career Onestop - Provides you with information regarding job demand, salaries, résumés, and more.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics - Occupational Outlook Handbook: Employment outlook, salaries, settings for work, training needed, etc.
- The Career Center can assist you by helping you research graduate or professional schools, guide you in deciding on a major, and provide you with resources to explore your career options. They can also help you with job and internship search services.