Ad/PR spotlights

Patrick Reinke '07

Patrick Reinke '07

Northville Township Police, Lieutenanf

LinkedIn Profile

1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
Since graduating I've spent the last 16 years serving the public in the law enforcement profession with some amazing, dedicated people. I've seen humanity at its best and at its worst. I've helped save lives and hopefully provided comfort to those who have needed it. After advancing to a leadership position, I was fortunate to immerse myself in the world of police accreditation and have spent the last few years helping police departments across Michigan with policy development and implementing best practices. I've also served as an assessor for the Michigan Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission and evaluated departments to ensure they meet accreditation standards. On the personal side, I've managed to get married and have 4 kids. They certainly keep life interesting!

2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
In my 2nd year on campus, I took a job with GV Public Safety. Working with DPS introduced me to the world of policing. I soon after found myself changing my major and starting down a new career path. It was also through that job that I connected with a wonderful woman who I would eventually marry and have 4 children with. What seemed like a small decision at the time would set the trajectory for my life! There are many many other great memories but this was certainly the most impactful one!

3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
"Be yourself and don't lose your humanity." In any career, there's a certain pressure to change to fit in, and in my profession, it can be easy to become jaded. These words reminded me to stay grounded, be myself, and realize that I can bring a unique perspective and approach to my career that I would have lost if I just tried to fit in.

4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand Valley experience.
Transformative, Defining, and Challenging (in a good way!)

5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
I'm hoping that my work in accreditation makes a positive impact on the law enforcement profession, and helps the profession improve and better connect with and serve our communities. But I'll be happy as long as I know my work has made some sort of difference in people's lives.

February 2024

Interest Area(s)
Criminal Justice, Adv Public Relations

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Page last modified February 7, 2024