Healthcare Spotlights


Nathaniel Wagner '20 & '22

I loved working as a student laboratory assistant in the biology department throughout my undergraduate career; I had the best boss and the faculty and staff were all great to work with.

Marissa Parisek '21

Going to football games with my roommates, and meeting some of the best people.

Khadijah Johnson '13

As a student employee working for Financial Aid.

Paul Cook '04

Potluck dinners in Niemeyer Living Center (the original location near Kleiner).

Ben McLoskey '13

Mid-winter, my sophomore year, the concrete slab on Pierce Street is typically flooded and froze over. My friends and I organized a pond hockey game and played all day.

Marion Maier '71

Tugs-of-war across the library pond

Hanna Benedek '21

My favorite Grand Valley memory is when I first moved into Hoobler Living Center during my freshman year.

Cheryl VerStrate '11 & '15

There are way too many to mention. I spent 8 years of life at GVSU after I completed graduate school. I have met some incredible people and have very fond memories of going through some major life transitions together.

Kellyn Sanders '17

There are so many great memories from GVSU but one I'm extremely grateful for is having the ability to take so many biomedical science courses, especially the cadaver labs.

Hannah Pier-Herendeen '12

My capstone class with Professor Bulson was such a great class to culminate my experience in health communications. He was very knowledgeable and an overall great professor to have before graduation.

Page last modified September 1, 2024