Peer to Peer Education
The Office of Sustainability, in partnership with student organizations, hosts a variety of peer-based education approaches to empower participants and provide ongoing personal development opportunities. Peer to Peer education is a valuable way to transfer knowledge, skills and awareness to fellow students, faculty and staff.
Find upcoming and past programs below!

Sustainability Events
Green Cleaning: A program aimed at teaching students about the harms of chemical cleaners and the benefits of using green cleaning supplies. This program provides information on how to engage students in making their own household green cleaners using simple recipes.
Jeopardy – Sustainability Style: A fun and engaging method to get students talking about best practices in sustainability and the environment. This program is set up as a spinoff of the popular TV game show, Jeopardy. The PowerPoint is available from the Office of Sustainability Practices.
Natural Disaster Remodel Program: This program is a hands-on exercise about creating a sustainable society. Students will be given a prompt and asked to redesign their community in a more sustainable way.
Recycle Round-up: An interactive program educating students about the proper way to recycle within the GVSU campus. This program involves taking residents door-to-door and collecting recyclable materials from other residents and education them about recycling efforts at GVSU.
Sustainability Scavenger Hunt: A fun program for students to learn about proper recycling practices. Students will hunt for specific items and be challenged to select the proper method of recycling.
Sustainable Card Art: Whether it is a holiday event or just for fun, this program will show students the benefits of reusing materials in fun ways. Students will create cards using leftover scrap materials.
Swap Shop: This program is an exchange between students that have items they no longer want or use. This program shows students options to get rid of their unwanted items without simply throwing away.
That’s a Wrap!: This creative program utilizes recording technology to create a short film about GVSU’s students’ view on sustainability. This program also incorporates a discussion aspect about sustainability outside of the environment.
Tye Dye Party: A fun program to show students an alternative to throwing out their old clothes – tie dye them and repurpose! This program gives old items a new life and a reusable purpose.
Tour a LEED Building: In cooperation with the Office of Sustainability Practices, this program highlights the LEED buildings on the GVSU campus as well as provides talking points for the importance of LEED construction.
*To facilitate any of these programs, please contact [email protected] for program information and materials.
Past Programming Bulletin Boards