ENS Courses
Only want to take one class with a focus on sustainability rather than a minor or major? You can still take a variety of courses within the curriculum that also count towards General Education Credit, Issues credit, or may be required within your major.
For updated information of course listings and descriptions visit the Course Catalog
Environmental Science
ENS 201 - Introduction to Environmental Studies and Sustainability
An interdisciplinary exploration of the multiple ways by which human society influences, and is influenced by, its natural environment. Economic, political, and socio-cultural dimensions of environmental studies are presented through and interdisciplinary approach. Principles of sustainability are examined. Prerequisite: sophomore standing. 3 cr
ENS 401 - Environmental Problem Solving
A problem-solving seminar in Environmental Studies. Attention will be given to vulnerabilities to environmental change, sustainable development, impact and risk assessment, adaptations to and mitigation of environmental problems at various scales. Multidisciplinary student teams will conduct original research and design sustainable practices and solutions for real- life environmental problems. Prerequisites: ENS 201 and junior standing. 3 cr
ENS 410 - Landscape Analysis Landscape analysis is a broadly interdisciplinary study that includes concepts and methods of sustainable physical/human geography, ecology, planning, and architecture. It includes the biophysical and societal causes and consequences of landscape heterogeneity, processes, and evolution. Conceptual and theoretical core of this course links natural sciences with related human disciplines. Crosslisted with GPY and PA 410. Part of the Sustainability Issue. Offered fall semester. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
3.000 Credit hours
ENS 412 - Global Environmental Change
The main theme of this course is the changing nature of our environment and human-environmental interactions. Topics include climatic fluctuations, environmental reconstructions, the interaction between humankind and the environment since
the prehistoric times, and human-induced environmental change of the last century at the global, continental, and regional scales. Crosslisted with GPY 412. Part of the Sustainability Issue. Offered winter semester. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
ENS 492 - Sustainable Agriculture Practicum
Students will study agricultural systems while being exposed to applied research at the sustainable agriculture project site. Students will investigate models of sustainable food systems that link production to economics, consumption, and nutrition.
Course offered fall semester. Prerequisite: ENS 201 or permission of instructor.
3.000 Credit hours
ENS 490 - Internship
Supervised work experience in an area related to environmental studies.