Green Infrastructure at GVSU

GVSU campus image of trees

As universities expand, taking over more land, there needs to be ways for the environment to continue to thrive. Large campuses destroy much of the surrounding landscape and Grand Valley State University is no different. Our university was built only minutes from the Grand River, and right on top of multiple large ravines, meaning there could be detrimental environmental impacts if architects were unaware of these risks, but thankfully they were. To combat these, GVSU incorporated what is called green infrastructure into the buildings of its campus which is great! However, most of the 25,000 student population is not aware of what the plants on the roofs are there for. We believe it is important that the student body and faculty alike become aware of the effort Grand Valley State University has put into making its campus environmentally friendly and sustainable, and we want to help that happen. Below are links to five types of green infrastructure found at GVSU. Please click on them to learn more about green infrastructure!


Page last modified December 14, 2021