Bioswales at GVSU

A bioswale uses plants in an area of storm water runoff to remove toxins from the water, immediately improving the water quality. It would be an alternative to a storm sewer, reducing the water’s velocity and allowing for it to be filtered through the plants. This type of green infrastructure is practical for parking lots and sidewalks.

Bioswale outside of Mackinaw Hall on GVSU's campus.

GVSU has multiple examples of bioswales across campus. According to the map on the campus website, there are 5 examples that have been installed. As students of GVSU we feel there should be more education about the green infrastructure that has been put into place. We have 5 QR codes set up around campus. The next link is a map with other areas, see if you can find them all!

Page last modified December 13, 2021