Seidman Spotlight - Jill Dooley

Jill Dooley

1990, Bachelor of Business Administration
1999, Master of Business Administration

Where are you from and/or where else have you lived?
I grew up in Traverse City, Michigan.  Moved to West Michigan area to finish my college education at Grand Valley

What has your journey been since graduation? 
I was a nontraditional student – transfer. I worked through my education, followed by being a supervisor at UPS in Operations Management and Industrial Engineering.

How has Grand Valley and the Seidman College of Business had a role in your journey? 
Prepared me both in theory and practice for my years in business.  Even in the non-profit industry, business practices are critical.  My profs were engaged in my learning experiences, both adjunct and tenured.  I also believe GVSU and SCB has help in my educational reputation.  The value of my degree from SCB and GV has grown over the years.

How and why, have you stayed involved with Grand Valley since graduation? 
Initially, I wasn’t.  I have been through working at GVSU and getting to better understand the value of staying connected and involved.  Now, in hindsight, I wish I had stayed involved right from the start. That’s why I encourage Lakers to do it right from the start. You’ll miss out if you don’t!

Name the #1 thing on your “Bucket List”.
I don’t have “one thing” on my bucket list, but one of the things on my bucket list is to go on an African Safari.

What would your pet say about you if we asked for a reference? 
Overly loving!

Page last modified March 31, 2022