Faculty Experts

Seidman Faculty Experts

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Last Name


Associate Professor

3061 L. William Seidman Center



  • Organization Theory 
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Strategy


Brett Crawford is an organization theorist who relies primarily on qualitative methods (e.g., long multimodal interviews, oral histories, robust archives) to explore how actors (real and imagined) organize to protect and repair institutions. His research is multifaceted, having published empirical, theoretical, and methodological papers in a variety of top journals, including Organization Studies, Strategic Organization, Journal of Management Inquiry, Organization Theory, and Research in the Sociology of Organizations, among others. Brett is also a published poet, having his work featured in The American Fly Fisher. He has held a number of faculty and research appointments prior to returning to GVSU (he played baseball for GVSU as an undergraduate student), including Purdue University, the University of Pittsburgh, Northwestern University, and Stanford University. Brett earned his Ph.D. in Management and Organization Studies from Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) and his MBA from the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. 

  • Ph.D., Management and Organization Studies, Copenhagen Business School
  • MBA, Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
  • BBA, Management, Rochester College

Teaching Areas
  • Strategy
  • Organizational Behavior

  • Crawford, B., Toubiana, M., & Coslor, E. (forthcoming). From catch-and-harvest to catch-and-release: Trout Unlimited and repair-focused deinstitutionalization. Organization Studies.
  • Crawford, B., Coraiola, D. M., & Dacin, M. T. (2022). Painful memories as mnemonic resources: Grand Canyon Dories and the protection of place. Strategic Organization20(1), 51-79.
  • Elias, S. R., Chiles, T. H., & Crawford, B. (2022). Entrepreneurial imagining: How a small team of arts entrepreneurs created the worlds largest traveling carillon. Organization Studies43(2), 203-226.
  • Crawford, B., & Dacin, M. T. (2021). Policing work: Emotions and violence in institutional work. Organization Studies42(8), 1219-1240.
  • Chiles, T.H., Crawford, B., & Elias, S. R. (2021). Mind, body, and soul: A spiritual perspective on the entrepreneurial imagination. Organization Theory, 2(2), 1-20.
  • Crawford, B., Chiles, T. H., & Elias, S. R. (2021). Long interviews in organizational research: Unleashing the power of show and tell. Journal of Management Inquiry30(3), 331-346.
  • Coslor, E., Crawford, B., & Leyshon, A. (2020). Collectors, investors and speculators: Gatekeeper use of audience categories in the art market. Organization Studies41(7), 945-967.
  • Crawford, B., Dacin, M. T. (2020). Punishment and institutions: A macrofoundations perspective. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 68, 97-119.

  • Editorial Review Board
  • Organization Studies
  • Journal of Management Inquiry

Page last modified March 16, 2022