Philosophy Colloquium Series

Philosophy Department presents Reason and Resistance in Sor Juana, a talk by Areins Pelayo. The talk is from 3:00 PM-4:30 PM on Friday, February 14, in MAK-B-1-138.

Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695) was a novohispanic nun who composed several poems, plays, and essays. Though still relatively unknown, there is increasing philosophical attention to her work and its contribution and relevance to feminism, early modern thought, and colonialism. My aim is to contribute to this growing literature by arguing that Sor Juana deployed her own theory of reasoning as a tool of epistemic resistance against oppressors. Laura Benítez (2019) has recently shown the Thomistic influence in Sor Juana’s epistemology, especially her theories of sensibility and understanding. José Medina (2013) uses Sor Juana as a case study in epistemic resistance. My talk builds on both of these analyses of Sor Juana. 

Winter 2025



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Winter 2025

Date: February 14, 2025

More information and the rest of the Winter 2025 lineup is below. 


If you have any questions, please contact Professor Alycia LaGuardia-LoBianco [email protected]

February 14

Reason and Resistance In Sor Juana

Areins Pelayo (GVSU Philosophy)


Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648-1695) was a novohispanic nun who composed several poems, plays, and essays. Though still relatively unknown, there is increasing philosophical attention to her work and its contribution and relevance to feminism, early modern thought, and colonialism. My aim is to contribute to this growing literature by arguing that Sor Juana deployed her own theory of reasoning as a tool of epistemic resistance against oppressors. Laura Benítez (2019) has recently shown the Thomistic influence in Sor Juana’s epistemology, especially her theories of sensibility and understanding. José Medina (2013) uses Sor Juana as a case study in epistemic resistance. My talk builds on both of these analyses of Sor Juana. 

March 13

Jose Medina (Northwestern University)

MAK-BLL-110 4:30 PM-6:30 PM



March 28

"Don't You Trust Me?"

Gaslighting: An Analysis

Andrew Spear (GVSU Philosophy)



Page last modified February 7, 2025