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Outreach and Engagement Intern
Major: Political Science
In my role, I assisted Common Cause Michigan staff with grassroots mobilization and public messaging, focusing on engaging CCMI members in nonpartisan election protection activities and legislative advocacy. My tasks included tracking legislation in state government using tools like Plural to coordinate nonpartisan legislative policy advocacy and researching policy and grassroots actions in other states to inform CCMIýs strategy regarding recent changes in Michigan election law. I also contributed to the redesign of the CCMI website, wrote content on current events related to Michigan redistricting, and worked collaboratively with the team to coordinate these activities in a dynamic and rapidly changing environment.

Legal Assistant Internship
Major: Political Science
During my internship, I completed several tasks in both settings including co-hosting Zoom meetings for the Court and preparing court documents, reviewing written materials on law and ethics, working on client matters and directly with clients, reviewing and updating websites and social media, doing research relative to marketing and analysis of emerging trends in the legal field, and organizing paperwork in preparation for estate planning and client meetings.

Legislative Aide
Major: Political Science
In this memo, we'll delve into the nuances between the Cherry/Wilson package (Senate Bills 486-492) and the Mobile Home Industry package (House Bills 4886-4889), providing insights into their objectives, impacts, and key differences.
The Cherry/Wilson package aims to address a range of issues, including housing affordability, infrastructure development, and environmental sustainability. Senate Bills 486-492 offer targeted solutions such as tax incentives for green housing initiatives, funding for infrastructure upgrades, and measures to expand affordable housing options. However, concerns have been raised regarding the allocation of resources and the potential impact on existing homeownership programs.
House Bills 4886-4889 focus on regulatory reforms and financial assistance for the mobile home industry, aiming to improve standards, affordability, and consumer protections. These bills propose measures such as licensing requirements for mobile home park operators, grants for infrastructure improvements, and mechanisms to address rent stabilization. While the bills have garnered support from industry stakeholders, questions remain about their long-term effectiveness and implementation challenges.
The Cherry/Wilson package offers comprehensive solutions to broader housing issues, potentially benefiting a wider range of constituents. However, its impact may be diluted by competing priorities and funding constraints. In contrast, the Mobile Home Industry package targets specific challenges within the mobile home sector, offering tailored solutions but potentially overlooking broader housing needs.
In summary, the Cherry/Wilson package adopts a holistic approach to address housing challenges, while the Mobile Home Industry package focuses on targeted reforms within a specific sector. The former emphasizes broader policy objectives, whereas the latter prioritizes industry-specific concerns. Understanding these differences is crucial for informed decision-making and effective legislative. As policymakers, it's imperative to weigh the merits and implications of both bill packages carefully. By considering the diverse needs of constituents and stakeholders, we can craft policies that promote equitable access to safe, affordable housing while fostering economic growth and sustainability. Another task that I completed was drafting tributes for different organizations within the district of Representative.

Ottawa County Elections Internship
Major: Political Science
I worked election night, on February 27th. I was a runner, who's duties include waiting at a local township/city to bring back the election results to our office. I was responsible for putting together precinct kits for all of the counties precincts, gathering supplies from various lists. I also took part in our testings for both the February election, and the May election. Testing is conducted the month before the election, and includes running ballots through our scans, as well as printing off ballots to be tested with our Voter Assist terminals, which are used for people who cannot read or write properly. I also helped organize our vault, moved various objects and things around to help make room. I helped bring new or returning equipment down to our vault. I did in house testing, where we ensure that our ballots are being read properly before we go out and do our public testings. I mailed voter registration forms out every week. I worked on making a list of our training certificates all in one spreadsheet.

Government Relations Intern
Major: Political Science
I reported directly to the director of government relations and had the primary task of staying up to date on research for any legislative action at the federal and state levels for bills and regulations that could have an effect on the business of A2LA. In addition to that I was responsible for drafting letters to the legislative representatives and government agencies advocating for the beliefs of A2LA on the specific issue.

Political Campaign Internship
Major: Political Science
Prior to my promotion, my responsibilities included but were not limited to; engaging in voter outreach via phone banking, conducting policy research, and drafting policy proposals. In the Winter 2020 Cohort, I invested about 100 hours into the internship. Since my promotion to Intern Supervisor, my responsibilities have expanded. I anticipate investing at least 15 hours a week into the campaign, but suspect this number will rise the closer we get to Election Day. Not only am I still working hard on reaching voters and galvanizing support, but I am also responsible for collecting intern availability/coordinating scheduling, delegating weekly assignments, and resolving issues, such as lack of involvement, questions, or technological issues. I also assist Cameron and Bill with other tasks, such as assisting the coordination of fundraisers, preparing mail, delivering donor gifts, and attending local school board meetings.

Interning for a Congressman
Major: Political Science
The prioritized task of my internship was answering all incoming phone calls and either directing them to the appropriate caseworker or recording the constituent's opinion. In addition, each morning I would compile a list of relevant news articles from various sources in the 2nd District that is emailed to all of Congressman Huizenga's staff (both in the district and in Washington D.C.) as well as the congressman himself. Outside of these activities, I conducted various projects such as writing congratulatory letters, organizing and updating the office's database, writing memos, and creating a travel brochure.

Legal Internship
Major: Political Science
As a legal intern at Serling & Abramson, I was tasked with multiple different assignments. For the most part, I was always available to help any coworker in any way they needed. I had the opportunity to do legal research for attorney's, prepare service documents, organize discovery documents, as well as answer the office phones when needed.

Serving the 4th district
Major: Political Science
My tasks were answering the phones, conducting research, sending out mailings, giving tours, and helping the congressman/staff with any and all tasks.

Elections Intern
Major: Political Science
I helped prepare for and run elections happening within Ottawa County. This included sending local clerks supplies, registering voters, creating plans and FAQs for the upcoming elections, and helping my boss, the Elections Coordinator manage election days.

Legal Assistance Center Volunteer
Major: Political Science
At the LAC, I was tasked with guiding people through legal processes by providing the proper paperwork needed for their case, explaining what was being asked of them on the paperwork, and describing how the court process works.

Madeline Clark's Experience
Major: Political Science
At Miller Johnson my responsibilities included conducting legal research, reviewing and drafting legal documents, assisting in depositions, and other various legal proceedings

Major: Political Science
While at the LAC, I assisted patrons with signing in and filling out a service agreement form stating they understood what we could and could not do for them. Once that was done, I'd ask, "how can I help you?", a powerful question that implies I am here to help you get through this, however I will not do all of the work for you. The patron will explain their issue and then I will explain what their options are. I can then set up the patron with the appropriate paperwork, help them fill it out and check it for completeness, set them up with a hearing before a judge (should the situation warrant it), and then instruct them on how to file the paperwork.

My summer with the Sierra Club
Major: Political Science
I worked on projects such as planning town halls and canvassing events, including connecting various venues. I assisted in creating GOTV campaigns for multiple precincts.

Major: Political Science
I assisted duties such as, data entry, field operations, (which include cutting turf and knocking doors), and helping on fundraisers.

Major: Political Science
I spoke with clients in Spanish, completed typical office tasks of filing, coping, and mailing. However, I also worked on documents and got a real hands-on experience in immigration law.

Congressman Huizenga's District Office
Major: Political Science
Being a District Intern came with a number of different tasks/projects. Including; compiling news articles for the congressman and his staff, speaking to constituents both over the phone and in person, aiding the staff in writing congratulatory letters and/or letters of recognition, making sure constituents were directed to the proper case worker to handle their issue, sorting and assigning mail, along with other office duties.

Campaign experience
Major: Political Science
I worked primarily in fundraising and field operations. I had the duty of gathering donor research and applying that information to a database in which we use to secure funds for our operations. I also was in charge of creating field events for our candidate to speak at.

Miller Johnson Attorneys Internship
Major: Political Science
During my time at Miller Johnson, I completed a variety of tasks and projects. I conducted legal research and fact investigation, reviewed legal documents, wrote reports, and drafted legal memorandums, analyzed active litigation and supported case preparation, filed Freedom of Information Act requests, and acquired police reports.

District Intern
Major: Political Science
As an intern, I did a plethora of tasks. Day to day things like answering phone calls, This was important because phone calls are a big way constituents are able to contact their representative. I would go through the current news in and around the district, to be sure that all staff members were up to date with the news. Also, I did thongs such as entering mail into the computer system. This was important because this ensured a response to peoples questions.

Lobbying D.C.
Major: Political Science
Everyday was different during my experience. I worked on locating and analyzing national legislation, researching federal funding programs, such as FEMA, contacting federal agencies for information regarding regulation reform, and lobbying congress. Overall, I worked on comprehensive research projects that would persuade or impact federal legislation.

The Washington Center Experience
Major: Political Science
I was tasked to locate balanced on clients accounts, look up the expense report for each, request bills and medical records, request lien breakdowns from insurance companies, check on status of personal injury protection, draft documents for the requests I made, and at times speak with clients. I was also given the opportunity to sit in on different court dates, help prepare for trial, sit in on new client meetings, and sit in on pre trial or settlement meetings.

State House Campaigning
Major: Political Science
While knocking doors was the vast majority of our responsibility, we also worked on earning endorsements, sending out press releases, creating and designing literature, submitting financial reports, event planning, and volunteer organization.

Regional Intern
Major: Political Science
As an intern in the Rochester office, I was tasked with answering phones, sending emails, going through newspapers and pulling out interesting stories/events, processing business cards, outreach programs and writing letters to individuals who are being recognized for an accomplishment or a promotion.

Avanti Law Group, PLLC
Major: Political Science
I was in charge of editing and prepping to mail application proving extreme hardship on family members of those at risk of deportation. Extreme hardship factors can include medical issues, financial issues, and the threat of violence within the region of the country the person originated from.
All opinions, conclusions or recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of GVSU.