Monika Moore

Visiting Professor
Department of English

215 Lake Huron Hall
(616) 331-3017
[email protected]

Monika Moore

ENG 100 Reading for College

Research Interests
Disciplinary literacy, college reading instruction, equitable and inclusive curriculum design, postsecondary transitions & student supports

Recent Publications

Moore, M. (2022). Neo-colonialism in distance learning in Barbados and Canada. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education 14(2), 152-165.

Moore, M. (2021). The Flint-Beecher Tornado of 1953: The "Other" in the aftermath of disaster. Michigan Historical Review 47(1), 93-106.  

Moore, M. Z. (2020). Fostering a sense of belonging using a multicontext approach. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.

Moore, M. (2020). Media coverage and rebuilding in two neighborhoods in the aftermath of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. California Geographer, 59.

Radinsky, J., Tabak, I., & Moore, M. (2019). Disciplinary task models for designing classroom orchestration: The case of data visualization for historical inquiry. In Lund, K. et al. (Eds.), A wide lens: Combining embodied, enactive, extended, & embedded learning in collaborative settings, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019, Vol. 1 (pp. 200-207). Lyon, France: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Ph.D., University of Toronto (December 2022)
M.A., DePaul University
M.S., Oregon State University
B.A., UC Berkeley

Page last modified August 18, 2022