Adeline Borti

Assistant Professor
Department of English
English Education

209 Lake Huron Hall
(616) 331-3587
[email protected]

Adeline Borti

ENG 100 Reading for College Across the Majors
ENG 201 Foundations of Literacy
ENG 301 Teaching Reading and Writing PK-6
ENG 334 American Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults
ENG 355 Teaching English Language Learners, PK-6
ENG 400 Critical Issues in K-12 Literacy
ENG 401 Languages, Literacies, and Cultures

Research Interests
My research interests include teacher knowledge of literacy and English education at the preservice teacher education and in-service levels. I am also interested in students' needs assessment, equity, inclusion, and diversity in literacy, English education, and English as a second language contexts. Additionally, my research focuses on Indigenous research methodologies and Indigenous knowledge. 

Select Publications

Borti, A. M. (2024). Book Review: Review of Black Immigrant Literacies: Intersections of Race, Language, and Culture in the Classroom. Journal of Black Studies, 0(0).

Borti, A. M., Maurya, R. K., Jones-Mensah, I. S., & Wickramaarachchi, T. I. (2024). Using Ubuntu as a Research Paradigm to Unpack How Ghanaian Novice Teachers and Their Collaborators Engaged Virtually in Collaborative International Qualitative Research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23.

Borti, A., & Jones-Mensah, I. (2023). Newly Trained Ghanaian Teachers' Opportunities for Learning Literacy Content. In C. Brock, B. Exley, & L.I., Rigney (Eds.), In International Perspectives on Literacies, Diversities, and Opportunities for Learning (1st ed., pp. 166-177). Routledge. 

Borti, A. M. (2023). Exploring a preservice teacher’s literacy knowledge and positioning. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 8, (1), 1-10.

Borti, A. M. (2022). The Road Less Taken ~ The Ph.D. Road. Literacy Research Association.

Webb, J. & Borti, A. M. (2022). Exploring the use of computer-assisted language-learning tools with English language learners. MITESOL Messages (Volume 48, Issue 2). Grand Rapids Michigan: Michigan Teachers of English as a Second Language Messages. (Refereed)

Borti, A. (2021). Language Needs of Francophone Students in English as a Second Language Context. Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 10(2), 175-202. (Peer review)

Brock, C.H., Robertson, D. R., Borti, A., Thrailkill, L. & Khasilova, D. (2021). Exploring the discursive positioning of members of a literacy professional learning community, Professional Development in Education. doi: 10.1080/19415257.2021.2013930 (Peer review)

Borti, A. M., Peter, T. Martinez, M. (2021). If Not Popcorn Reading, Round Robin, and their Allies in the EL Classroom, then What? MITESOL Messages (Volume 47, Issue 2). Grand Rapids Michigan: Michigan Teachers of English as a Second Language Messages. (Refereed)

Borti, A. M. (2020). Dear Teacher, Please Don't Use Popcorn Reading and Its Allies in Your Classroom. (Volume 46, Issue 2). Grand Rapids Michigan: Michigan Teachers of English as a Second Language Messages. (Refereed)

Borti, A. (2019).  Ghanaian epistemology in teacher education. In K. T. Han, & J. Laughter (Eds.). Critical Race Theory in Teacher Education: Informing Classroom Culture and Practice (pp. 115–125). New York: Teachers College Press.

Borti, A. (2019). A life in two worlds: The silenced and the unsilenced. Qualitative Inquiry. Online publication.

Brock, C. H., Borti, A., Frahm, T., Howe, L., Khasilova, D., & Ventura-Kalen, K. (2017). Employing autoethnography to examine our diverse identities: Striving towards equitable and socially just stances in literacy teaching and research. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 19(1), 105–124.


Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction with an emphasis in Literacy Education, University of Wyoming, USA 
M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana 
B.Ed. in English Education, University of Cape Coast, Ghana 

Page last modified September 19, 2024