Computing Seminar Series Returns
February 12, 2024
The Computing Seminar Series has returned on Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 pm in MAK BLL 110. Professor Zach DeBruine is coordinating bi-weekly pizza lunch seminars featuring engaging computing topics. All are welcome!
Doors open, and the pizza is delivered, at 11:50, which allows 15 minutes for faculty and students to socialize until the presentation begins at 12:05. The last 10-20 minutes are reserved for Q&A.
Seniors Skyler Ruiter & Seth Wolfgang opened the series with their excellent seminar Small Solutions for Big Data and presented the algorithm they developed to achieve state-of-the-art compression of discrete sparse data matrices and showed its performance on compressing real-world datasets and enabling fast in-core computation.
Professor Jared Moore (pictured above) followed two weeks later with Let the Computer Do the Work: Genetic Algorithms to a packed room. He showed how evolutionary algorithms allow us to “put the computer to work” leveraging concepts from biological evolution to solve challenging problems. He introduced genetic algorithms, their applications in evolutionary robotics and discussed the challenges in evaluating individuals when competing pressures arise.
Next in the lineup is Professor Fredericks' seminar, Express Yourself: Creative Coding and Generative Art, in which he will demonstrate how creative coding enables us to stretch our thinking for what is possible with programming, from visualizing algorithms to creating artwork. This talk will introduce the domain of creative coding, and show how to create generative art, and discuss how both can be used towards research topics. Thursday, February 15 at 12:00 pm in MAK BLL 110.
Check the events calendar on our website to learn about upcoming topics and presenters, and to verify the location.