Alumni Spotlights

Matthew D'Oyly '06 Spotlight

Matthew D'Oyly '06

One of my favorite GVSU memories is the first snowfall, walking across the bridge and seeing the large blue art piece lightly covered in snow.

Carissa Patrone Maikuri '12 & '18 Spotlight

Carissa Patrone Maikuri '12 & '18

Some of my favorite memories that I cherish were from discussions during my Spanish class with Zulema Moret focused on feminist voices from Latin America.

Samantha Hardenburgh '03 & '05 Spotlight

Samantha Hardenburgh '03 & '05

Snow days were very scarce back when I was in college, but there was a winter where part of campus lost power in a blizzard. We played games by candlelight, went sledding and overall had a great time!

Allison Staley '12 & '17 Spotlight

Allison Staley '12 & '17

I have so many memories! One of the top ones would be watching our football team win the game that sent them to nationals! The goal post got taken down by the fans rushing the field and we got to take a picture with it.

Jermale Eddie '03 Spotlight

Jermale Eddie '03

One of my favorite memories at GVSU was when Redman and Method Man came to campus for a concert. Once the lights went off, we found out that almost every member of the Wu-Tang Clan was there.

Michael Williams '13 Spotlight

Michael Williams '13

I absolutely loved being a campus tour guide. Nothing beats seeing moms, dads, and/or other family members go from "anxious and worried to send their child off to school" to "comfortable and excited."

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Page last modified January 25, 2022