This Annual Report provides a snapshot of our alumni and the ways we’ve helped them stay engaged with Grand Valley and connect with each other over Fiscal Year 21-22 (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022).

Total Alumni: 136,100. Numbers displayed over backdrop image of evening campus scenery including the clock tower and the Mary Idema Pew Library.
A Map of the United States displays the top 6 states home to GVSU Alumni include: Michigan (104,117), Illinois (2,941), Florida (2,072), California (1,479), Texas (1,360), and Indiana (1,218).
A blue map of Michigan displays the top 5 counties home to GVSU Alumni, which includes; Kent County (34,727), Ottawa County (18,699), Oakland County (6,918), Muskegon County (5,390), and Wayne County (3,992).
A bar graph depicts degrees issued by decades at Grand Valley. 1960's, (781), 1970's, (8,671), 1980's, (9,892), 1990's, (19,462), 2000's, (35,302), 2010's, (49,078), and so far in the 2020's, (13,461). A scenic picture of the blue Transformational Link is shown on the side.
There have been a total of 146,270 degrees awarded at Grand Valley from July 1, 1966 to June 30, 2022.
A pie chart breaks down the types of degrees awarded which include: 118,581 Bachelors degrees awarded, 26,761 Masters degrees awarded, and 981 Doctorate degrees awarded.
An aerial photo of the Allendale campus shows the clock tower and Cook DeWitt Center as fog rises above the ravines.
Across our social media accounts, we have a total of 24,393 followers across all platforms. Our following increased by 1,248 followers in the past year.
Average monthly social media impressions: Twitter (18,110 impressions), Facebook (74,374 impressions), Instagram (31,088 impressions).
This year's top social media posts include; Instagram: photo of Bob Stoll, former associate dean of student life, passing down his GVSU license plate to his son Mike Stoll '10 & '12, which received 1294 Likes. Facebook: Post highlighting Pat Baker '72 50 years as a classroom teacher in Grand Rapids, which received 172 likes. Twitter: Black Philanthropy Month highlight Cordell Zachery '16 & '21, which received 3 retweets and 12 likes.
The Alumni House with white flowers in front.
The Alumni Relations office and our Alumni Networks hosted 40 events over the past year.
1,890 alumni attended an Alumni Relations or Alumni Network event and 14% were first time attendees.
We have a total of 32 Alumni Networks. Of these networks, 10 are Affinity Networks, 8 are Regional Networks, and 14 are Athletic Networks.
313 Alumni Owned Businesses have been submitted to the AOB listing, a 64 business increase from last year. The number is displayed over a computer illustration of tall city buildings.
Total Alumni Giving: $1,669,986. Total Alumni Donors: 6,833. A picture of the downtown Beckering Carillon Tower at sunrise is shown to the right of the numeric information.
There are a total of 5,866 Laker License Plates on the road. This number increased by 1,703 in the past year.
The downtown DeVos Center for Interprofessional Health building is displayed.
A total of 93 Laker Landings submitted were submitted in the past year, and 619 membership card requests. This data is displayed on the right side of an image of a sculpture on the Allendale campus.

Page last modified September 12, 2022