Alumni Relations strives to provide Grand Valley alumni with a sense of community and pride, as well as lifelong learning opportunities. We do this by engaging alumni with volunteer activities, social and professional development events, communications, ways to give, and academic resources.

This Annual Report provides a snapshot of our alumni and the ways we've helped them stay informed, get involved, give back, and have Laker pride over Fiscal Year 19-20 (July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020).

In addition to reviewing this report, we encourage you to visit More than 2,600 alumni completed a survey for us this year. Through the results, our team better understands alumni expectations, opinions, experiences, and loyalties. We learned a lot, including areas where we are doing well and areas where we can improve, and we're using this feedback moving forward.

Alumni Make Up

Total Number of Alumni 126,840
Alumni Number in US: 119,263
2 alumni posing at homecoming
Number of Alumni Outside the U.S.: 414
Top 6 States of Alumni Residency: Michigan 98,610, Illinois 2,758, Florida 1,963, California 1,498, Texas 1,304, Indiana 1,162.
Top Three Counties in Michigan: 33,098 Kent County, 17,722 Ottawa County, 6,261 Oakland County
DEGREES ISSUED  BY DECADE: 1960's - 782 DEGREES , 1970's - 8,718 DEGREES, 1980's - 10,454 DEGREES, 1990's - 20,954 DEGREES, 2000's - 38,913 DEGREES, 2010's - 54,323 DEGREES, 2020's - 4,181 DEGREES
Photo of the Alumni House on GVSU's Allendale Campus

Stay Informed

2,000+ Alumni Information  Update Forms Submitted
Photo of a group of alumni in front of the fountain on GVSU's Allendale campus
254 email campaigns resulting in 2,135,428 emails sent with an open rate of 18.87%
64,326 returning visitors and 68,630 new visitors to
Photo of a group of alumni helping during move in week
Photo of the cook-dewitt and Kirkhof in the winter

Get Involved

119 Meetings & Events Held in 19 Cities across the U.S.
A graph showing that this this years overall event attendance is at 6,150 people.
There are 12 Regional clubs, 13 Athletic Chapters, and 14 Organizational Chapters.
A photo of 2 alumni with Louie the Laker at the GVSU Red Wings Night

Give Back

904 alumni volunteered
Alumni Assisted with key events that engage, support, and celebrate our Laker community.
alumni lent their expertise to help current students succeed academically and prepare for their future careers.
A Photo of the courtyard in the Devos- Pew Campus
Alumni shared Grand Valley news and events, and encourage others to give back.
Leadership 23 Board of Directors Members  30 Young Alumni Council Members 27 Club Leaders 203 Chapter Leaders
7,060 Alumni Donors who gave $1.8 million+
A Photo of three alumni celebrating homecoming in the alumni tent

Laker Pride

1,172  alumni membership cards Requested
90 Laker Landings Submitted
Photo of a couple of Alumni at the dave and busters event.
Over  4000  Alumni are representing GV on the road

Page last modified September 17, 2021