GVSU Alumni Board of Directors Application Information

Thank you for your interest in serving on the GVSU Alumni Board of Directors. The GVSU Alumni Board of Directors serves as the representative body of the GVSU Alumni and the premiere alumni advisory board to the University. The goal of the Board’s work is to promote mutually beneficial relationships that keep alumni engaged, informed, and connected to one another and the University. The Board serves as a vital partner to the Alumni Relations office in its efforts to empower alumni to achieve their lifelong learning and professional development goals.

Please review the information on this page about the role and expectations of the Alumni Board of Directors members and the application and selection process.

Application and Selection Process

  • Applications must be submitted by April 15 to be considered for the following fiscal year (July 2024 - June 2025).
  • After the application deadline passes, the Alumni Board of Directors, Engagement Committee will review all applications and select candidates for interviews.
  • Interviews will then take place each April-May. Applicants selected for interviews will be notified via email and will receive further information on their interview time.
  • Applicants will be notified of their selection via email and will be asked to complete a form accepting their seat on the GVSU Alumni Board of Directors.
  • The new Alumni Association Board of Directors term begins July 1 and an onboarding meeting will generally be held in August.
  • Applications submitted after the annual deadline will be considered for future terms.

Candidate Selection and Eligibility

  • Applicants must be graduates of Grand Valley State University (GVSU), over the age of 21 years old.
  • Selection criteria is based upon past leadership roles, involvement while a GVSU student, involvement as an alum, and enthusiasm for the work of the Alumni Board of Directors. 
  • All Alumni Board of Directors members will be required to follow the Membership Guidelines laid out in the Bylaws.
  • Ideal candidates are those whose demonstrated service and leadership display a strong understanding and commitment to the mission and advancement of the University.
  • Members must make an annual contribution to the University at a level that is personally meaningful.

Alumni Board of Directors Frequently Asked Questions

Board members 

  • provide counsel, resources, knowledge, influence, and skills to further the mission of the University and Alumni Relations and to achieve strategic priorities. 
  • help expand the GVSU alumni network and promote the organization in the community and within their network. 
  • act as representatives for the alumni body and should be knowledgeable of Alumni Relations programs and activities. 
  • demonstrate a commitment to philanthropic engagement by making an annual contribution to the University.
  • Participation
    Attend and actively participate in all regularly-scheduled meetings of the Board, preferably in person if possible. Participation in all meetings is expected, but if an absence is unavoidable, the member must communicate this to the Board President or their committee chair in writing prior to the scheduled meeting.
  • Volunteering and Event Attendance
    Each member is required to volunteer at or attend at least five (5) Grand Valley State University sponsored events/activities. These are activities that are hosted or sponsored by the University or an Alumni Network; or that advocate for the University or for current or prospective students and/or alumni. If the Board Member is remotely based, options based in their area or virtually will be permitted. Members are expected to participate in all Alumni Board sponsored activities. If the member is remotely based, options based in their area or virtually will be permitted. All participation should be regularly and accurately recorded and documented in the Alumni Board Roster.
  • Committee Participation
    Attend meetings, actively participate, and help to produce results on at least one committee.
  • Philanthropic Support
    Given that the lives of all members of the Alumni Board have been impacted by their engagement with the University and the benefits continue to grow as the strength of the University grows, all members of the Alumni Board of Directors are expected to make annual financial contributions to the University in an amount that is meaningful to the member.
  • Notification and Response
    It is every board member’s responsibility to stay in active communication with Alumni Relations staff, the Executive Committee, and Chairs of the committee they participate on. If someone Slacks, phones or emails you for information, it is your responsibility to respond in a timely and professional manner.

The board generally meets bi-monthly. Meetings alternate between hybrid and virtual formats. Hybrid meetings generally occur on Saturday mornings at 9 am ET. Virtual meetings generally occur on Thursday evenings at 6:30 pm ET. Meetings typically last between 1.5-2 hours. Web-conferencing is provided via Zoom.

Board Members may serve up to two consecutive, three-year terms. Terms run on the fiscal year commencing July 1 and concluding on June 30. Each Board Member must be re-appointed to the Board for a second term. Executive Officers can serve for a longer duration.

Board members can expect to receive regular correspondence to keep in touch with the University, Alumni Relations, and fellow board members and remain apprised of regular Board business. Communication is disseminated through the Alumni Board Slack Channel.

To increase transparency and allow for easy collaboration, all board-related documents will be housed and shared via Google Drive.

Board meeting topics may include the following:

  • Welcome & introductions
  • Approval of past meeting minutes
  • Old Business review
  • Report by the Board President
  • Reports by Committee Chairs
  • Updates and Q&A regarding alumni-relevant University topics by the Director or other members of the Alumni Relations team
  • Working sessions of the full Board or smaller groups to address opportunities and challenges facing graduates, Alumni Relations or the University
  • Brainstorming regarding new or existing projects/programs/activities/resources offered by the University and GVSU Alumni Relations
  • Discussions with various members of University leadership

Please come to meetings having fully read through pre-meeting materials and prepared to actively engage in informed discussions. Work cooperatively with fellow Board members and be courteous and respectful of their ideas and opinions. Offer original thinking, ideas, and points of view, as well as your personal expertise and talents. Take responsibility for completing assignments on time and keeping others informed when necessary. 

Dress for Board meetings is casual. Laker attire is welcome. However, please take note of special invitations as different dress may be expected for specific events.

Board committees provide advice, support, and review of alumni programs and services. Committees are composed of assigned/appointed board members, a designated chair, and other alumni as deemed necessary. Committees generally meet bi-monthly on the months when the full board is not meeting.

 Current board committees include:

  • Governance
  • Experiential
  • Communications
  • Engagement

Board Members are responsible for acquiring their own technology and making their own flight and travel arrangements to in-person meetings and paying for related  travel expenses. There may be exemptions made for specific events. In this case, GVSU Alumni Relations will send out relevant information. Should expenses become a barrier to participation, please reach out to Alumni Relations staff or for assistance. 

Internal Revenue Service regulations allow Board Members to deduct most out-of-pocket volunteer expenses. Such deductions include acquisition of necessary technologies, meal and travel expenses for attendance at meetings and/or performance of board duties. Please consult a qualified financial professional for more information, and request any supporting documentation needed.

Alumni Board of Directors Committees

The Alumni Board is led by the Executive Committee which consists of the President, Committee Chairs, Secretary, and the Director of Alumni Relations. The Immediate Past President may be asked to serve on the Executive and/or another committee by the President. The Executive Committee is responsible for overseeing and evaluating the Board’s success in realizing its mission and for setting annual board strategies and priorities. The Executive Committee shall have the power to act for the Board between general meetings; decisions will be presented at a subsequent meeting of the Board. The Executive Committee shall provide leadership, advice, and assistance to the Director of Alumni Relations and Alumni Relations in the performance of their duties.  

The Governance Committee is led by the Board President or their appointee, Executive Director, and Secretary and conducts regular reviews of Bylaws and updating board governance documents; monitoring adherence to board participation requirements; and soliciting candidates for Executive Officer positions.

The Communications Committee is responsible for identifying and sharing diverse and relevant alumni stories; directing intra-board and network communications channels and strategies; and providing input and advice on alumni digital engagement strategies which increase overall alumni communications engagement.

The Engagement Committee is responsible for new board member recruitment, onboarding, diversification, learning and professional development; board mentorship and mentor training; advising on Alumni Network structures and development; and liaising with Alumni Network leaders.

The Experiential Committee is responsible for identifying and selecting diverse alumni awardees; advising on homecoming, reunions, and other campus traditions; suggesting life and career stage activities and/or other events which may increase diverse alumni experiential engagement.

Alumni Board Executive Officers

The term of the President is for two years. The President serves as the senior volunteer leader for GVSU Alumni and is responsible for the following:

  • Working with the Director of Alumni Relations to create goals for and guide the direction of the Alumni Board and committees for which they chair.
  • Regularly meeting with the Director of Alumni Relations
  • Presiding at all meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and other meetings as required.
  • In consultation with the Director Alumni Relations, the Executive Committee, and Committee Chairs:
    • Setting an annual calendar of meetings for the Board and Executive Committees; and for the Governance Committee when a President-Elect is not serving
    • Developing agendas for Board and Executive Committee meetings; and for the Governance Committee when President-Elect is not serving
    • Establishing goals and objectives for the upcoming year that align with Alumni Relations and the University’s strategic plan for each committee they chair
    • Setting timelines for goal completion
  • Holding committee chairs and members accountable to the work of the committee
  • Establishing and overseeing the appointment of members to committees
  • Preparing and sharing updates on committee progress at each Board meeting
  • Keeping meetings on track and orderly by following Robert’s Rules of Order and the prepared agenda
  • Ensuring that all Board Members are given equal opportunity to make their voices heard at Board and committee meetings for which they chair
  • The President has the right to attend all committee and subcommittee meetings as an ex-officio member, in addition to other activities and University events
  • Acting as a non-partisan member of the Board, voting only when a tie needs to be broken.
  • Acting as a spokesperson for GVSU Alumni or designate, when appropriate, another member of the Executive Committee for that purpose.
  • Including the President-Elect in processes of the Board
  • The President may be invited to attend and/or present at, or designate, when appropriate, a Committee Chair for that purpose, University events such as Board of Trustee meetings, Commencement Ceremonies, and from time to time on special committees/task forces of the University such as the Strategic Positioning steering committee.
  • Serving as the Immediate Past President upon completion of term as president.

The average time commitment for the President is 25 hours per month.

The term of the President-Elect is for one year. President-Elect shall perform and discharge the duties of the President in the case of absence, death, or disability of the President, and shall perform duties such as:

  • Learning the processes and responsibilities of the Board, Governance & Executive Committees and the President
  • Working with the President and Director of Alumni Relations on developing initiatives to be carried out during their Presidency
  • Filling the term of President should that become vacant
  • Assisting the President in execution of their duties
  • In consultation with the Director of Alumni Relations and the President
    • Setting an annual calendar of meetings for the Governance Committee
    • Developing agendas for the Governance Committee
    • Ensuring regular meeting minutes are recorded and disseminated for the Governance Committee
    • Establishing Governance Committee goals and objectives for the upcoming year that align with Alumni Relations and the University’s strategic plan
    • Setting timelines for Governance Committee goal completion
  • Holding Governance Committee members accountable to the work of the committee
  • Preparing and sharing updates on the Governance Committee progress at each Board meeting
  • Participating in all Executive Committee meetings
  • Serving as the President upon completion of term as President-Elect

The average time commitment for the President-Elect is 15 hours per month

The term of the Secretary is for two years. The Secretary is responsible for the following:

  • Recording and transcribing all official meetings of the GVSU Alumni Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Governance Committee
  • Submitting meeting minutes to the President and Director of Alumni Relations for approval before distributing to members within 10 days of the meetinhg
  • Directing all meeting notices and correspondence to the GVSU Alumni Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Governance Committee and Alumni members
  • Conducting roll call and establishing a quorum at all meetings of the board as part of the meeting records, and inform the President if a board member is subject to removal for lack of attendance
  • Participating in all Executive and Governance Committee meetings
  • Chairing Alumni Board and relevant committee meetings, and filling-in for the President and President-Elect when absent or unable to perform their duties
  • Assisting the President in execution of their duties

The average time commitment for the Secretary is 10-15 hours per month.

The term of each Committee Chair is for two years. Committee Chairs lead the direction of their respective board committee and are responsible for the following:

  • Overseeing the committee and ensuring all committee duties are fulfilled
  • In consultation with the Director of Alumni Relations, committee members, and Alumni Relations staff
    • Setting an annual calendar of committee meetings
    • Developing agendas for the committee
    • Establishing committee goals and objectives for the upcoming year that align with Alumni Relations and the University’s strategic plan
    • Setting timelines for goal completion
  • Ensuring regular meeting minutes are recorded and disseminated for all committee meetings
  • Holding committee members accountable to the work of the committee
  • Preparing and sharing updates on committee progress at each Board meeting
  • Participating in all Executive Committee meetings

The average time commitment for Committee Chairs is 10-12 hours per month.

The term of the Immediate Past President is for one year. The Immediate Past President serves primarily in a communication and mentoring role, to help ensure continuity from one president to the next. They will have gained valuable experience in service, polishing and using communication skills, leadership abilities, acting as a liaison between GVSU units and the Alumni Board Members, providing strategic insights, and helping facilitate activities and relationships beyond simple board members. The Immediate Past President will have the opportunity to draw on this widespread knowledge to mentor and encourage the new board President, thereby helping them move quickly into the pivotal leadership role and with an ongoing support network. The Immediate Past President serves on committees upon appointment by the current President.

The average time commitment for the Immediate Past President is 10 hours per month.

Page last modified July 8, 2024