Grand Valley State University
Direct Linkages with the Arctic Ecology Program (AEP)
Climate Change Related
Climate Change Education Solutions (CCES) Network
Mekik Climatology Lab
Drawdown solutions for climate change
Climate Central
International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Global Change Master Directory
United States Global Change Research Program
NASA Climate Change
EPA Climate Change
Arctic Report Card (NOAA)
The Arctic in a changing climate (Arctic Council)
Arctic Climate Challenge

Environmental Science
Explore the data:
https://www.nottheendoftheworld.co.uk/explore-data (Not the End of the World data)
https://population.un.org/wpp/graphs (World Population)
https://ourworldindata.org/population-growth (Population & Other Data)
https://wid.world/ (Global Wealth Distribution)
https://wir2022.wid.world/ (World Inequality Report)
https://data.worldbank.org/region/world (Global Economics)
https://www.gapminder.org/data/ (data to fight global misconceptions)
https://www.footprintnetwork.org/ (calculate your ecological footprint)
https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/ (calculate your daily caloric need)
https://coastal.climatecentral.org (projected sea-level change)
https://www.unbiodiversitylab.org (global information on biodiversity and related topics)
https://www.protectedplanet.net/en (global database of protected areas for conservation)
https://ourworldindata.org/ (Global greenhouse gas emissions)
https://www.fueleconomy.gov (US Department of Energy comparisons of vehicles)
https://www.iea.org (global energy usage)

Make a change:
Incentives from the Inflation Recovery Act (IRA)
Voting in Michigan
Apply to receive your ballot by Mail https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/avapplication
Visit the above site to register to vote. If voting in person view your ballot first, save time and look up all the potential people you want to vote for before going to the polls.

Ecology Related
Arctic Related
Research Information
National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs (NSF OPP)
The Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS)
Principles for Conducting Research in the Arctic
Fieldwork Planning Handbook (INTERACT-International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic)
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Arctic Data Center (data repository for the Arctic section of NSF Polar Programs)
Broader Impacts Guiding Principles
Broader Impacts Plan Rubric

Research Priorities
AESC - Arctic Executive Steering Committee
National Strategy for the Arctic Region (2022)
Implementation Plan for the National Strategy for the Arctic Region (2023)
US Arctic Research Commission
Report on the Goals and Objectives for Arctic Research 2023-2024 for the US Arctic Research Program Plan
Arctic Region: Factors That Facilitate and Hinder the Advancement of U.S. Priorities (2023)
Changes in the Arctic: Background and Issues for Congress (2023)
IARPC - Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee
Arctic Research Plan: FY2022-2026
Report to Congress, On the Need to Establish and Maintain a Sustained Arctic Observing Network, 2022
SEARCH – Study of Environmental Arctic Change
Arctic Futures 2050 Conference Report
SAON - Sustained Arctic Observing Networks
Alice Bradly et al (2023): Shared Arctic Variable Framework Links Local to Global Observing System Priorities and Requirements
Starkweather et al (2022): Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks’ (SAON) Roadmap for Arctic Observing and Data Systems (ROADS)
Country Report: USA (January 2012)
Arctic Observing Summit
Arctic Observing Summit 2022 – Statement of Participants
ICARP - International Conference on Arctic Research Planning
A road map for the future (2015)
Utqiaġvik (formerly Barrow), Alaska Related
Battelle Arctic Research Operations in Utqiagvik
Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation (UIC and UMIAQ)
UIC Science, LLC
UIC Science (old site)
Barrow Area Info Database Internet Map Server (BAID)
North Slope Borough Wildlife Management Subsistence Harvest
Community Database Online Barrow (Utqiaġvik)
Arctic Slope Native Association (ASNA)
North Slope Borough School District: Barrow High School
FAA Webcam (airport) Webcam
NEON / Utqiaġvik Webcam
Barrow Weather
Ilisagvik College
Soil Temperature Data (Nelson/Hinkel)
NARL 75th Anniversary (History and Current Research)
Atqasuk Alaska Related
Materials for Educators
Polar STEAM (Science, Art, Education)
NSF's PolarTREC Program
Polar Literacy
Environmental Graphiti (using art to convey science)
A Teacher Friendly Guide to Climate Change
Communicating Climate Change: A Guide for Educators (pdf)
Climate Change Education Solutions (CCES) Network
Play with Data (Interactive datasets with lesson plans related to environmental science)
Flora (& some Fauna)
USDA Plants (current nomenclature)
World Flora Online Plant List
Native Plant Database (Missouri Prairie Foundation)
Hultén’s Flora of Alaska
Flora of the North Slope
The Store Outside Your Door Edible Plants Project
Toolik Field Station Plant Guide & Virtual Herbarium
Svalbard Flora
Icelandic Flora (in Icelandic)
Michigan / Midwest
Michigan Flora online
Non-technical key
West Michigan Plants
Minnesota Wildflowers