The International Tundra Experiment - Arctic Observatory Network (ITEX-AON) is an NSF funded collaborative research project between GVSU, FIU, UTEP, and UAA. The goal of the project is to document and understand terrestrial ecosystem changes occurring across Arctic landscapes and communicate the implications of the observed changes with the public.
The field sampling occurs primarily within Arctic System Science (ARCSS) grids established in the early 1990s to document ecosystem change at Utqiaġvik, Atqasuk, Imnaviat Creek, and Toolik Lake. Within each ARCSS grid there is an integrated sampling regime which includes plots, warming experiments, a mobile instrumented sensor platform (run across a 50m transect), drone sampling, fixed phenocams, and many short-term observations or experiments.
One of the goals of this project is to engage citizens in science and increase the community knowledge base of edible plants and foraging. With the information on the following pages, we hope to inspire community members with accessible science, and foster health and a love of nature through foraging on the North Slope and beyond.
Data Access
At the NSF Arctic Data Center
use the search function to locate data from the project (search: Hollister, Oberbauer, Tweedie or Welker) or email the Lead Investigator Bob Hollister.
Traveling to Point Barrow via PolarTrec
Mobile Instrumented Sensor Platform (MISP) monitoring
A Quick Trip to Atqasuk, Alaska via PolarTrec