Assistant Professor Danielle DeVasto

Ph.D. English--Rhetoric and Composition, University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee
M.A. English--Rhetoric and Composition, University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee
B.S. Education (English, English as a Second Language), University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee
348 LOH | 331-3538 | [email protected] |


Danielle DeVasto

Dani’s research takes seriously the pressing need for effective, ethical interaction between experts and publics, especially in the contexts of natural hazards and science-policy decision making. She studies questions such as how hazard maps shape user agency, how public-science interactions in lower stakes environments (like planetariums) can support those in higher stakes settings, and how visuals can be designed to meaningfully communicate with patient populations in cross-cultural contexts. Her work has been published in Science Communication, Present Tense, Community Literacy Journal, Social Epistemology, and Journal of Business and Technical Communication.

At GVSU, she primarily teaches courses in professional writing. She has also taught courses in first-year writing, health science communication, information design, business writing, and technical communication for engineers. Her classes focus on how writing and rhetoric can help shape more livable worlds. 

More about her current projects, teaching, and publications is available at

Dani Devasto headshot

Page last modified September 16, 2019