Women's Commission Unsung Hero Award

Award Description & Nomination Criteria

This award honors the contributions of those who improve the GVSU community without seeking public recognition and who may not be widely known for their outstanding efforts. Established in 2012, the Unsung Hero Award is presented to an individual who goes above and beyond to improve the lives of faculty, staff, and students. The award will be presented at the annual Celebrating Women Awards Ceremony.

Nominations are encouraged from all employment groups at Grand Valley. The nomination and selection process is confidential. Please do not notify the candidate of your decision to nominate them. Those chosen for the award will be notified prior to the event. Any member of the Grand Valley community may be nominated for this award. Nominees will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Advocacy, beyond one’s job responsibilities, for gender equity in alignment with the mission of the Women’s Commission
  • Demonstration of a positive influence on the GVSU and/or surrounding community from behind the scenes
  • Commitment to improving the lives of students, faculty, and staff at Grand Valley and/or in the community through generous acts of kindness and compassion
  • Contribution of time and talent without hesitation and with a commitment to excellence
  • Embodiment of the mission, vision, values, and core competencies of Grand Valley State University


Past Unsung Hero Award Recipients

2023 - Crystal Scott-Tunstall

2022 - [Shift from Winter to Fall]

2021 - [COVID Pause]

2020 - [COVID Pause]

2019 - Bonnie Peterson

2018 - Jeffrey Rollins & Sarah Clark

2017 - Autumn Gorsline-Davis

2016 - Doris Penn

2015 - Linda Rettig

2014 - Amy Campbell & Doriana Gould

2013 - Kate Harmon

2012 - Michelle Duram

Page last modified September 5, 2024