Off Campus Job Posting Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in listing job opportunities at Grand Valley State University. Posting your opportunities through our online recruiting system, Handshake, makes your listing immediately accessible to all GVSU students and alumni and its fast, easy and free!
Important: In order to continue providing this service to off campus employers we ask that you provide Student Employment with the names and dates of employment of all Grand Valley students you employ.
Student Employment has certain criteria that must be followed in order for an off campus employer to post a job on Handshake.
- The job must guarantee the student an hourly wage. We do not post commission only or "to be determined" positions.
- The hourly wage must follow the Federal or State minimum wage rate and the higher of the two wages must be used.
- There must be immediate openings.
- Jobs with out-of-pocket expenses such as kit fees, test fees, will not be posted.
- We must have verifiable contact information of employer.
Handshake is a free, online system that allows you to post job openings, track applicants, register for events and schedule on-campus interviews and information sessions. After creating an employer account, your profile and job opportunities will be posted for GVSU students to view and apply for. Please see below for more instructions on how to complete this process. If you are are looking to create a job that takes place within your home (such as a nanny or tutor position), please click here.
How to Create an Employer Account
In order to continue providing this service to off campus employers, we ask that you provide Student Employment with the names and dates of employment of all Grand Valley students you employ.

We'd love to speak with you. Feel free to call our office at (616) 331-3238 or email us at [email protected].