Mathematics and Statistics Club

The Mathematics and Statistics Club is a place for all students interested in mathematics and/or statistics. The Club organizes many activities throughout the year, including showings of math related movies, game nights, career and advising events, math/stats software workshops, social gatherings, and more. The Club also serves as the parent organization for GVSU's chapters of Pi Mu Epsilon and Mu Sigma Rho, the national math and stats (respectively) honorary societies.

Any student currently enrolled at GVSU can become a member of the Math & Stats Club. There are no dues. We expect all members to regularly attend the Club meetings, but this is not a requirement. Members have the right to vote at the Club meetings, such as during the spring officer election meeting for the upcoming year.

You can also join the mailing list of the Club to receive information about upcoming events, or announcements of interest to math and/or stats majors. Send an email to Dr. Lora Bailey, Math department advisor for the club, to sign up for the mailing list.  There is also a Facebook page for the Club and we are on OrgSync.



Page last modified September 20, 2023