Faculty/Staff Directory

Faculty/Staff Directory

First Name Last Name Email Office Office Hours Action
Feryal Alayont alayontf@gvsu.edu A-2-160 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Rene Ardila ardilar@gvsu.edu A-2-148 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
David Austin austind@gvsu.edu C-2-409 MAK Sabbatical View
Lora Bailey baileylo@gvsu.edu A-2-112 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Tami Bailey baileyt@gvsu.edu A-2-162 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Gabriella Barajas barajaga@gvsu.edu A-2-178 MAK View
Patrick Bentley bentlpat@gvsu.edu B-2-201 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Paul Bentley bentlpau@gvsu.edu C-2-518 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Esther Billings billinge@gvsu.edu A-2-178 MAKĀ  Office Hours and Schedule View
Matt Boelkins boelkinm@gvsu.edu C-2-508 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Nikelina Brott brottn@gvsu.edu A-2-138 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Mandy Calvillo calvillm@gvsu.edu B-2-206 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Corrina Campau campauc@gvsu.edu B-2-213 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
David Clark clarkdav@gvsu.edu A-2-104 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
David Coffey coffeyd@gvsu.edu C-2-410 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Taylor Crow crowt@gvsu.edu B-2-200 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
William Dickinson dickinsw@gvsu.edu C-2-415 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Filiz Dogru dogruf@gvsu.edu A-2-156 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Brian Drake drakebr@gvsu.edu A-2-140 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Paul Fishback fishbacp@mail.gvsu.edu C-2-408 MAK View
Marcia Frobish frobishm@gvsu.edu A-2-607 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Hope Gerson gersonh@gvsu.edu A-2-136 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
John Golden goldenj@gvsu.edu C-2-416 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Evan Gross grosse@gvsu.edu A-2-134 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View
Salim Haidar haidars@gvsu.edu A-2-152 MAK Office Hours and Schedule View

Page last modified November 18, 2022