GVSU Service Awards

The GVSU Annual Service Awards honor employees with milestone anniversary dates during the calendar year. Whether you have been with us for 10, 15 or 20+ years, congratulations on reaching this milestone! We value all of your contributions to Grand Valley and are so happy you're here.

Learn more about the Service Awards

Upcoming Annual Service Awards Celebration

Annual Service Awards Celebration - 2024 Recipients

New for 2023 Recipients & Beyond

Introduced for 2023 recipients, an Annual Service Awards Celebration will now be held specifically honoring award recipients. In the past, the President's Holiday Gathering was held in collaboration with the Service Awards Celebration. After receiving feedback from previous service award winners, the university designed this unique event to create a more focused and personal gathering to appropriately recognize our long-serving faculty and staff. The Annual Service Awards Celebration is designed to be a special moment of recognition of our service award recipients.


Can I bring a guest or a colleague with me? 
The Service Awards Celebration is a special lunch designed only for service award recipients and university leadership (President’s Council – which includes among others, the senior leadership team and deans). The event is curated to be a smaller, intimate gathering. Additional guests cannot be accommodated but are welcome to participate via livestream. 

What is the dress code? 
Business casual attire.

Page last modified September 3, 2024