Offering an Interview: Quick Tips

Part One
Initial Contact via Phone or Email

1. Be Flexible When Selecting a Time – Allow the Candidate to Voice What Works Best
Suggest several dates and times that work for all members of the interview panel but allow the candidate to make the final decision. This allows the candidate the opportunity to choose an interview time where they are free from other responsibilities and can focus their time and energy on the interview.

2. Be Conscious of Time Zones
Remember, you may not live in the same time zone as the candidate. If you know the candidate is from out of the area, specify whether you are suggesting a time in GVSU’s time zone or their respective time zone.

3. Have a Plan
Think about what you would like to say to the candidate before you call. It helps to write notes or a loose script to ensure you give and request all the necessary information.

4. State the Essential Information
In the initial phone call or email, let your candidate know the name of the position for which you are offering an interview for and the name of the University and department. It is also helpful to discuss the salary or hourly wage for the position so that the candidate is aware of what compensation range we are able to offer.

5. Be Friendly, Yet Professional
When interviewing a candidate, you are not only evaluating them; they are also evaluating YOU to determine if GVSU will be a suitable match for their employment needs. Your conversation with the candidate is likely one of their first impressions of the University faculty and/or staff. Use a warm tone, address the candidate by name, and be polite and welcoming. At the end of the conversation, let them know you look forward to meeting them soon.

6. Offer the Same Experience to All
If you choose to offer a candidate a Zoom interview, you must offer a Zoom interview to all candidates being interviewed – this levels the playing field and gives all candidates the same opportunity. Only offering a Zoom interview to select candidates may give them an unfair advantage.

7. Request a Response
If you do not receive a response from the candidate within one business day, send a personalized follow-up email to show the candidate that you care.

Part Two
Sending Confirmation to the Candidate

1. Ensure the Candidate Feels Welcome and Prepared
If the candidate accepts the interview, send a confirmation email with all the key information they will need for the interview. Your email should include the following key details:

  • Position title
  • Scheduled date and time of the interview
  • Interview location OR meeting link (for virtual interviews)
  • Instructions for parking with a GVSU parking pass
  • Names and positions of the individuals on the interview panel
  • Estimate of the amount of time the interview will take
  • Link to the GVSU home page and the department home page
  • Any other information deemed appropriate

2. Provide a GVSU Point-of-Contact
The last piece of the confirmation email is the point-of-contact. The point-of-contact serves as a liaison between the candidate and the department. Your email should include the following point-of-contact details in the email to the candidate: 

  • Name
  • Position title
  • Email
  • Work phone

These details are useful to the candidate if they have questions prior to or following their interview.


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Page last modified November 10, 2022