Human Resources Events

Happiness Club

Date and Time

Thursday, November 5, 2015 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


"Wherever you are, just be there" – this is mindfulness. Why should a person practice mindfulness?  Here are a few reasons:

  • University of New Mexico researchers found that participation in a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBR) course decreased anxiety and binge eating.
  • Office workers who practiced MBSR for twenty minutes a day reported an average 11% reduction in perceived stress.
  • The likelihood of recurrence for patients who had experienced three or more bouts of depression was reduced by half through Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, an offshoot of MBSR.
  • After fifteen weeks of practicing MBSR, counseling students reported improved physical and emotional well-being, and a positive effect on their counseling skills and therapeutic relationships. 

*The Science of Mindfulness by Daniel J Siegel

Join the GVSU Happiness Club on November 5th from 12-1:00 pm in Suite 1090 JHZ (Room 1100) to learn a little more about how you can apply mindfulness in your life to manage your stress, increase your productivity, and to be a more happy and fulfilled person. 

Registration is required.


Human Resources [email protected]

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Page last modified October 5, 2015