Academic Resources

Academic Skills
Find academic skills resources and workshop listings for Goal-Setting, Time Management, Note-Taking, Test-Taking, Memory & Concentration, Procrastination & Motivation, Stress Management, and so much more through the Student Academic Success Center.

Knowledge Market
The Knowledge Market provides help in the following areas:
- Research Support
- Digital Consultants
- Writing Support
- Presentation Support
They are dedicated to providing services for all GVSU students, no matter their location. They now offer online support in two ways: online peer consultations during open hours and a database of browsable resources that are available 24/7. For more information and/or to make an appointment, please visit the Knowledge Market page.
Knowledge Market Video

Library Services
The Library website is "your gateway to research." As explained on the Library Services page, the University Libraries has "a rich collection of online information resources to support your research, including thousands of e-journals and hundreds of article databases." In addition to getting articles online, there are subject and course guides, opportunities for consultations on how to do better research, and liaison librarians for each subject area who can help you with your research.

Free Tutoring of All Subjects
- Tutoring is committed to providing tutoring to all Grand Valley students in most 100- and 200-level courses
- Math Resources are available Online through GVSU and through Khan Academy
- Find Statistics video resources, and calculator help here
Writing Center
Online consultations are available to all students through the Fred Meijer Center for Writing and Michigan Authors during all service hours. Appointments are scheduled via Book It.
- One-on-One writing support is offered through Google Meet and Google Docs
- Asynchronous support via email offers feedback within 72 hours
For more information about appointments and how to prepare can be found here.
You'll also find Writing Resources for easy-to-understand explanations of punctuation marks, style guides, and writing techniques to help you revise and proofread your work effectively.