Workday at Grand Valley Graphic

Status of known issues: There are no current open known issues. Please see the list of resolved issues or the list of optimization items.

Curious about the latest Workday updates? Review project highlights

July Highlights

What's New: New Budget Report Job Aid Available

The FY25 General Fund Board-approved budget will be posted in Workday by the end of today (July 15). To review it, refer to the GVSU General Fund Base Budget Report job aid.  

You can find this and other report job aids on the Budgets & Financial Accounts webpage. For questions about running the report, please email Jennifer Schick or Terri Suess

What's Current: Workday Managers Meeting on August 9

Supervisors with faculty, staff, or students reporting to them should have received an Outlook invitation to an August Workday for Managers meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to re-connect the group, share what's happening and look ahead. If you did not receive an invitation, please contact Dave Bengry

What's Next: Workday Platform Survey Analysis

Thank you to the hundreds of faculty and staff who completed the Workday post go-live survey. Congrats to the Workday prize pack winner: Daisy Fredricks. Currently, survey analysis is in progress, and next steps will be identified to share insights and implement lessons learned in preparation for Workday Student. 

What's Exciting: Workday Help & Learning Launch on August 12

Workday Help provides access to HR and student employment knowledge articles and allows HR support cases/tickets to be opened within Workday 

Workday Learning will serve as a central hub for faculty and staff training content and course registration, replacing Sprout. Existing learning opportunities posted in Sprout will be completed in that system. New offerings will appear in Workday Learning on August 12. Throughout the fall, new learning opportunities will be added continuously. Keep an eye on Workday Learning to find out what new opportunities have been added.

Please see the Workday Project Overview page for information on all things Workday. 

Page last modified July 15, 2024