Annual Student Juried Exhibition

Each year, students from the Department of Visual and Media can participate in the Juried Art Exhibition. Students submit pieces of their choosing for consideration by an external panel of judges especially invited for the occasion. The finalist pieces are hung at the Stuart B. and Barbara H. Padnos Student Art and Design Gallery and throughout the Calder Arts Center. Divided in ten categories, one student from each is selected for an honorable mention. Moreover, three purchase awards of $300 each are granted to three finalists and their piece becomes part of the GVSU collection.

This year's exhibition was be on display from March 20 to March 30 at the Calder Arts Center. An opening reception and Awards Ceremony occurred on March 22, from 4:30 to 6:00 at the Padnos Gallery. 

The Annual Student Juried Exhibition is Sponsored by the Department of Visual and Media Arts.


2017 Jurors

Nate Abramowski

Nate Abramowski
Film & Video

Maureen Nolette

Maureen Nolette

Jenn Schaub

Jenn Schaub
GVSU Distinguished Alumna

Call For Entries - 5th Annual Juried Student Exhibition


Any student enrolled in an introductory or higher level course in the Department of Art and Design, Film and Video, and Photography during 2016-17 academic year. (Foundation level course work not eligible.)

Submission Requirements

Each student can submit up to three works for consideration. All artwork submitted must have been created in a studio course in the Department of Art and Design, Photography or Film & Video during the past two years (2015–2017)


At the Awards Ceremony (March 22, 2017), the following awards will be granted:

  • 3 (three) $300 Purchase Awards: these awards are granted to students artists and their work will officially become part of the GVSU art collection, to be displayed on campus.
  • 1 (one) Art and Design Faculty Award: a joint effort by the faculty in the department of Art and Design, this award is granted to a student with an opportunity to keep their piece.
  • 10 (ten) Honorable Mention Awards: these awards are granted to one submission from each of the ten exhibition categories (Ceramics, Drawing, Graphic Design, Illustration, Jewelry and Metals, Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture, Time-Based works viewed on a Screen.

Submission Instructions


1. Online registration: complete the on-line entry form here between Feb. 27 and March 15.

Exhibition Entry Form

Read the instructions carefully, and make sure you know the dimensions of your work before beginning the form. Use only your GVSU e-mail account. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you with label information for your work.

2. Wait for the confirmation email: once you receive the confirmation e-mail confirming that you entered the exhibit, click on the link provided for the labels for your work. Fill out the labels, and print them out. Separate the labels by cutting them apart with scissors, and attach the labels to the appropriate work.

Exhibition Labels form

3. Drop Off: Bring your labeled work to be enter into the exhibit to the front atrium area of the Calder Art Center on Wednesday, March 15 between 1 and 5 p.m.

4. Wait for acceptance email: an e-mail will be sent to the GVSU e-mail address you provided on your entry form indicating what works you entered were accepted or rejected for the show.

Time-Based Works

1. File specifications: export your project in the video Codec H264, .MOV file format. Dimensions of 1920x1080 are preferred.

2. Upload to Student Google Drive Account: Upload the .MOV file to your GVSU Student Google Drive Account. Change the share settings on the file you uploaded to “Anyone with link can edit”. Copy the link. Paste the link into an e-mail addressed to: [email protected] 

In your e-mail, title entries: last name, first, title of work. For example: smith, john.untitled #1, etc.

3. Online registration: complete the on-line entry form here between Feb. 27 and March 13 until 5 p.m. Use the same titles for the work that you used in the email. Submit the form. Click on the link below to start completing the form:

Exhibition Entry Form

Important Dates

Important Dates

  • February 27–March 15 at 5:00 p.m.: online registration open for artworks
  • February 27–March 13 at 5:00 p.m.: online registration open for time-based works
  • March 15, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.: labeled artwork drop-off at the Calder Arts Center Atrium Area
  • March 16: Jurying of works
  • March 17, from 10:00 to 2:00 p.m.: pickup of non-selected pieces in the Mezzanine of the Padnos Gallery or the curved atrium hallway at the Calder Arts Center
  • March 22, from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.: Opening Reception and Awards Ceremony


For questions, feel free to contact:

  • Professor Jill Eggers (email)
  • Professor Renee Zettle-Sterling (email)


Support the Exhibition

Give Today

Your donation will be used to purchase student artwork for the GVSU Art Collection.

Page last modified August 14, 2017