About SLA

Structured Learning Assistance (SLA) is a form of peer-led Supplemental Instruction that is available in some high-risk courses at GVSU. Supplemental Instruction is a form of peer-tutoring that focuses on collaboration, group learning, and interaction to help students succeed in historically difficult courses with high rates of poor grades or withdrawals. In their SLA sessions, students are provided with course-specific learning and study strategies like note-taking, test-taking, reading skills, and more while also engaging in structured review and study time with a group of their peers.
The goal of our SLA program is to help students build foundational knowledge and skills that will improve their course performance and help retain them through graduation.
About Structured Learning Assistance (SLA)
Structured Learning Assistance (SLA) is a form of Supplemental Instruction available in some historically challenging courses. With SLA, students attend a required additional weekly session led by a peer facilitator that reviews course content, clarifies lecture points, and provides study, test-taking, and reading strategies.
SLA focuses on collaboration and interaction to help students practice course content in a fun, low-stakes environment.
- Helps create community and belonging
- Higher test and final course grades
- A deeper understanding of course content
- Learn positive study habits and reading skills
SLA sessions are led by successful upper-level students, who in collaboration with the professor, develop workshop materials. The facilitators clarify lecture points for the students and assist them in understanding the expectations of the professor, while additionally focusing on improved study skills.
To take advantage of SLA, register for the specific section of a course that includes SLA.* Once you have chosen your course and SLA meeting time, you will attend class and SLA each week. SLA attendance is mandatory unless you meet and maintain a minimum grade requirement set by the instructor.
*SLA course registration is subject to availability and is first come, first served.
No! SLA is a free supplemental service offered through the Tutoring and Reading Center. While you do have to register for a specific SLA section, there is no additional cost associated.
Currently, the Tutoring and Reading Center offers SLA for limited sections of:
- BIO 120 (fall and winter)
- BMS 208 (winter)
- BMS 212 (fall)
- CHM 109 (fall and winter)
- CHM 115 (fall and winter)
- STA 215 (fall and winter)
- MTH 110 (fall and winter)
- MTH 108/109 (fall and winter)
- PSY 101 (fall and winter)
- EGR 111 (fall)
- EGR 113 (fall and winter)
- EGR 185 (winter)
SLA is a great option for any student but is designed specifically for students who lack confidence in their ability or knowledge in certain subjects, for students who are repeating courses, or for students who are nervous about succeeding in college.
You can register for an SLA section by choosing the section with the "Structured Learning Assistance" attribute listed in Banner. (Look at the Schedule tab on our website to view which sections have SLA this year!) You can also talk to your professional or faculty advisor and they can guide you through the process.
When registering, you will be required to choose your SLA meeting time (for sections with multiple sessions). You only have to attend one session of SLA, with the exception of STA 215.