Student Scholars Day: A GVSU Tradition

What is SSD?

Student Scholars Day (SSD) is held once each year to celebrate the scholarship and creative work performed by GVSU students.  The day showcases faculty-mentored student work, shared through many venues, including (but not limited to) oral presentations, discussion and panel sessions, fine arts exhibits and performances, and poster presentations. 

Student Scholars Day projects may be initiated as part of a course or as independent collaborations with faculty.  GVSU encourages all students to consider enhancing their personal and professional development by engaging in scholarly and creative work with faculty and to share their work with the GVSU community. 

The Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship is proud to present and host the 28th Annual Student Scholars Day on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. This event will showcase close to 250 presentations by nearly 400 student presenters.

We look forward to your participation in this exciting event as a presenter, guest, sponsor, volunteer, or committee member.

Questions can be directed to the Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarship or by e-mail at [email protected].  

“Research experiences and creative practice projects – conducted in collaboration with and/or under the mentorship of concerned and dedicated faculty – have the potential to be transformative, moving our undergraduates to deeper understanding of and engagement with the world around them.”

Please note that SSD is not a scholarship competition and does not offer monetary awards.

Page last modified December 18, 2023