What is ScholarWorks, and why should I submit my work?
What is ScholarWorks@GVSU, and why should I submit my work?
The mission of ScholarWorks@GVSU is to collect and preserve scholarly, educational, and creative works by GVSU faculty, staff and students. ScholarWorks@GVSU is maintained by the GVSU Libraries who are committed to preserving these works, with a static URL, on a long term basis. Content in ScholarWorks is discoverable via Google and is open access (freely available for downloading across the globe), but there are options to restrict access to the GVSU community and add an embargo (i.e., temporarily hiding) content. You can view the content in SchoalrWorks@GVSU
The benefits of submitting your work include:
- A stable URL that you can add to your resume, send to prospective employers or graduate programs, etc.
- An opportunity to showcase the outstanding work you’ve done
- Monthly download reports, which tell you how many times your work is viewed by others
- The potential to reach a worldwide audience
- Show prospective students the types of research opportunities available at GVSU
How do I submit my SSD poster, presentation, or other materials?
Please visit for a step-by-step guide to digitally complete the submission agreement and upload a PDF of your work. Students are strongly encouraged to work with their advisor if their work could lead to a patent application, includes sensitive or confidential information, or might be submitted for publication in a scholarly journal. Faculty advisors can reach out to the Office of Undergraduate Research to request an exemption from including the student work from ScholarWorks@GVSU. If you have more questions about ScholarWorks@ GVSU or are having trouble submitting your work, please contact the Scholarly Communications Team at [email protected].
I/We plan to publish this work. Can it still go in ScholarWorks?
Yes, it can, but we do have options to restrict access to the GSVU community and place an embargo on the work if you plan to publish and have concerns about the content being available. An embargo means your work would be uploaded to ScholarWorks and only the abstract, title, and authors would be visible until the embargo date passes. That way, if a particular publisher has a policy about the content being posted online prior to publication, this won’t be a concern to you. Consider how different your SSD poster/presentation is from what you will submit for publication in the future. If you think it’s substantially similar, or if your faculty mentor has concerns, we can work with you to find the best option that will highlight your work without compromising your ability to publish.
Should I be concerned about copyright if I used images, graphs, etc. that I did not create?
We can help point you to tools and resources that guide you in complying with copyright laws. The Libraries have added copyright information to our website (, which is a good starting point. A good strategy is to make sure you properly cite sources and take a look at the Fair Use Checklist on the Libraries’ copyright pages. We’re also happy to help with questions.