Welcome to our Alumni!

Want to be featured in our Alumni Spotlights?

Welcome to all alumni! 

Occupational Safety and Health majors are accomplishing incredible things in Michigan and all around the United States! We love to hear from you! If you'd be interested in being featured in one of our spotlights, send an email to [email protected] with a picture and some or all of the following:

  • Name, major(s), minor(s) (optional), and year of graduation from GVSU:
  • Describe your accomplishment (education, work, etc.), and optionally, anything you did previously (just a couple of sentences or as much as a page):
  • Anything you’d like to mention about how your classes, professors or activities at GVSU prepared you for your current path:


By providing GVSU Occupational Safety and Health your photo and biography, you agree to allow us to use this information in the future for promotional materials such as, but not limited to, social media posts, website posts and presentations for prospective students.

Senior / Alumni Spotlights

Jacob Joanis '24 Spotlight

Jacob Joanis '24

Having the opportunity to go beyond theoretical situations, in the classroom, and applying methods to actual situations in the workplace was phenomenal to me!

View More Senior / Alumni Spotlights

Page last modified December 12, 2024