Cultural Competence and Humility

A Guide From the GVSU Division of Inclusion and Equity

Click through the topics below to learn more about cultural competence and the importance of diversity at GVSU!

Cultural Competence refers to learning knowledge and skills that assist with obtaining a better understanding of the diversity of people’s experiences and perspectives. 

Cultural humility is the awareness that we can never know everything! It requires entering relationships with a willingness to listen and not assume. Additionally, cultural humility involves our willingness to admit a mistake or behavior that caused harm to another individual/group, as well as a commitment to do better the next time as a result of new information.

The GVSU experience is designed to give you the knowledge you need to shape your life, profession, and society as an engaged and knowledgeable global citizen. 

Cultural competence and humility are required to navigate the world successfully, interact productively with diverse others, and make the world more inclusive and equitable.

Page last modified September 3, 2023