Music Events

Guest Recital: Dr. Clara Christian

Guest Recital: Dr. Clara Christian

Date and Time

Thursday, February 7, 2019 7:30 PM


Pianist Dr. Clara Christian is Assistant Professor of Music and Coordinator of the Piano Program at College of the Ozarks.  In addition to teaching applied piano, she teaches music history, piano pedagogy, piano literature, chamber music, and class piano. She is beginning her fourth year at CofO, and before coming to College of the Ozarks, she was on the faculty at University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and Northwestern University's Music Academy (Evanston, IL).

An active performer, Dr. Christian has given solo recitals throughout North America as well as in St. Petersburg, Russia. She has performed in venues such as the Chicago Cultural Center, the “Jaani Kirik” Recital Series (St. Petersburg, Russia), and the Fourth Presbyterian “Fridays at Noon” Concert Series (Chicago, IL). She served as rehearsal accompanist for the Chicago Master Singers where she was privileged to work with conductor Alan Heatherington. Performing frequently as a collaborative artist, she is the pianist for “Fuse Trio,” with saxophonist Matthew Sintchak and clarinetist David Gould; “Fuse” has performed both nationally and internationally since the group formed in 2014.

Dr. Christian received her DMA in Piano Performance and Pedagogy at  Northwestern University, where she studied with Alan Chow, and she earned a M.M. with Ellen Mack at the Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University. She received her B.M. in Piano Performance at Wheaton College with Daniel Horn. Dr. Christian was the recipient of the Chicago Area Musician's Club of Women Elaine and Jerome Nerenburg Piano Scholarship, their top prize in piano. She was a finalist in Northwestern University's Thaivu Isaak Piano competition, a recipient of the Peabody Institute's Career Development Grant, and a semi-Finalist in the Franz Liszt Festival and International Competition.

An active member of the Music Teacher's National Association, Dr. Christian presented at the 2012 National Conference and the 2013 Illinois State Conference. She is the advisor for the College of the Ozarks Collegiate MTNA chapter, and coordinates an annual CofO Fall Piano Festival on campus for area music teachers and their students. Her students have received awards from the Missouri Federation of Music Clubs, the National Federation of Music Clubs, and the Missouri Music Teacher’s Association.

Performances in the 2017-2018 season included solo appearances at Ohio State University, Harding University, John Brown University, Springfield’s “Midtown Concert Series,” and the College of the Ozarks, along with several collaborative recitals. For more information, please visit Dr. Christian’s website, or her facebook page:



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(616) 331-3484

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Page last modified September 20, 2018