Jazz at Grand Valley

Jazz Performance
Large Jazz Ensemble
Our Large Jazz Ensemble performs both traditional and contemporary jazz music, including new works composed especially for us. We perform concerts, at dances, on tours, and at jazz festivals. Open to music majors and non-majors. Audition required.
Small Jazz Ensembles
The small ensembles focus on mastery of tunes from the jazz repertoire. Emphasis is on improvisation and arranging using lead sheets and original compositions. Interview with instructor is required prior to registration.
Private Lessons in Jazz Performance
Students interested in performance are encouraged to study their instruments with our classical performance faculty. In addition, opportunities exist for specialized study in jazz keyboard, guitar, percussion, and jazz bass.

Jazz Course Offerings
Jazz Theory
Two-semester sequence of courses that explore chord voicings, contemporary jazz harmonic progressions, substitute progressions and various scales used in the jazz idiom. Substantial analysis of tunes taken from the jazz repertoire. You must have completed two years of music theory study at the college level and have permission of the instructor to register.
A tutorial course in which students pursue their own creative projects. By permission of the instructor.
For more information or to schedule a meeting or an audition, contact:
Michael Drost
[email protected]
During the summer:
Office of Music Theatre and Dance
(616) 331-3484