Faculty Doings and Achievements
Faculty Achievements
Professor Louis Moore interviewed on Good Morning America!
Watch HERE!
NEW book from Professor Annie Whitlock!

Dr. Whitlock's new book, Place-Based Social Studies: Learning from Flint, Michigan is now available for order here!
Alice Chapman: Finishing her research fellowship at the Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies at the University of Michigan. She is working on a new book entitled, Christ the Physician: Healing Spiritual Sickness in the 12th-14th Centuries, which will be submitted to Brepols Press as a part of their Disputatio series.
Eric Covey: Publishes new article: “The anti-apartheid movement at Grand Valley State College in West Michigan,” Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies, February 22, 2023, pp. 1-15.
David Zwart: Published a chapter in a book: “The 1918-1919 Flu Pandemic: Remembering Trauma amongDutch Americans,” in Dutch Immigrant Stories, Donald J. Bruggink, Dennis N. Voskuil, and William Katerberg, eds. Holland, Mich. Van Ralte Press, 2022.
David Zwart: Presented “Pedagogical Humility: Learning from Social Studies Majors' Intellectual Autobiography” at American Association for Teaching and Curriculum in Chicago, IL on October 7, 2022.
Patrick Shan: published a book chapter titled “From Admirer to Critic: Li Dazhao’s Changing Attitudes towards the United States,” in Sino-American Relations: The New Cold War, The University of Amsterdam Press, 2022, 31-54.
Carolyn Shapiro-Shapin, Matthew Daley, and Abigail Gautreau: Served as faculty mentors for a project GVSU students have worked on at the Grand Rapids Public Museum, which is part of GR Stories Series - Public Health History. Three students presented their research on March 29, 2023: (1). Callie Dzurisin, Biomedical Sciences major and History minor, “The Evolution of the Cough Plate Medium: How Pearl Kendrick and Grace Eldering’s Work in Grand Rapids Contributed to the Standardization of this Diagnostic Technique.” (2). Hannah Krebs, History Major, “’Quite a Courageous Thing to Do’: Grand Rapids, Women Scientists, and the Development of a Whooping Cough Vaccine, 1932-1942.” (3). Coltrane Bodbyl-Mast, History major with twin minors in Arabic and Middle East Studies, “The Temperance Movement in Grand Rapids as Interdenominational and Public Health-Oriented.”
Annie Whitlock: Presented the following: (1). With Brugar (2023, April 13-14): I Survived…teaching inquiry [Conference session]. Michigan Council for the Social Studies Conference, Traverse City, MI, United States. (2). With Brugar (November 30-Dec 2, 2022): Elevating elementary social studies with inquiry and historical fiction [Conference session]. College and University Faculty Assembly Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States. (3). With A. B. Southall, B Blevins, C. Bohan, L. Y. Bradshaw, L. M. Colley, and J. L. Gallagher, (November 30-Dec 2, 2022). The stories of CUFA motherscholars: A collection of full professor oral histories [Conference session]. College and University Faculty Assembly Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, United States. (4). With S. L. Roberts, N. B. Sardone, K. VanHaren, (Dec 2-4, 2022). Using cartoons to teach the C3 Framework [conference session]. National Council for the Social Studies Conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States. (5). With K. A. Brugar: (Dec 2-4, 2022). We’ve got the fever: An interdisciplinary inquiry with Fever 1793 [Conference session]. National Council for Social Studies Conference, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
James Smither: Publishes new edited book titled Death and Life in the Big Red One
Louis Moore: Is featured in TIME article "The Historic Significance of a Super Bowl With Two Black Starting Quarterbacks"
Louis Moore: Is featured in MSNBC article "Why we shouldn't let the NFL take credit for Jalen Hurts and Patrick Mahomes"
Matthew Daley: Is interviewed with WOODTV about the effects of redlining in Grand Rapids, read here.
Matthew Daley: Is interviewed with WOODTV for Black History Month, read here.
Chad Lingwood: Publishes new article: “Kamāl al-Dīn Banā‘ī’s Bahrām va Bihrūz: A Persian Romance qua Mirror for Princes in Light of Aq Qoyunlu History,” Middle Eastern Literatures 24, no. 3 (2023): 209-27. Read it here.
Jason Crouthamel: Has his book, "Trauma, Religion and Spirituality in Germany during the First World War" reviewed on H-Net. Read here.
Annie Whitlock: Publishes new article: Whitlock, A.M. & Brugar, K. A. (2022). Historical fiction and its commonplace in classrooms. The History Teacher, 56(1), 77-102. Read here.
Patrick Pospisek: Publishes new book chapter: “Federal Mining Policy in James K. Polk’s America: National Authority, Small Government, and the Public Lands, 1807-1872,” has been published in Michael Cohen, ed. James K. Polk and His Time: Essays at the Conclusion of the Polk Project University of Tennessee Press, 2022. Read here.
Peter Dobek: Publishes new article: “The Public House and Conflict: Violence in the Inns, Taverns and Alehouses of Kraków in the Jagiellonian Era,” appeared in Slavonic & East European Review 100, Number 2, (April 2022): 295–322. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/see.2022.0016. Read here.
Elizabeth Kovacs (staff member): Publishes new article: “God Revealed to the Mind’s Eye: Divine Intelligence in Formal Beauty,” appeared in Theology and Science in December of 2022. Read here.
Grace Coolidge: Publishes new book titled Sex, Gender, and Illegitimacy in the Castilian Noble Family, 1400-1600.
Joshua Morris: Publishes a new book titled The Many Worlds of American Communism.
Matthew Daley: Co-writes an article for Bridge Michigan magazine.
Louis Moore: Publishes essay about Jim Thorpe with Boston Globe.
Louis Moore: Will give this semester’s Seymour Lecture in Sports History. His talk “Black Bombers: Doug Williams, Vince Evans and the NFL’s Most Important Game,” will be on Oct. 6, at 4:30 p.m. in the Kaufmann Auditorium in Goldwin Smith Hall on the Cornell University campus. The lecture is free and open to the public. article here
Jason Crouthamel: His book “Trauma, Religion and Spirituality in Germany during the First World War” is reviewed by Jeremy Best.
Steeve Buckridge: Fulbright Scholars Award. Professor Buckridge is the recent recipient of a Fulbright Scholars Award for the country of Namibia. The Fulbright Program is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government and is designed to forge lasting connections between the people of the United States and the people of other countries, counter misunderstandings, and help people and nations work together toward common goals. During his Fulbright tenure, Professor Buckridge will be teaching at the University of Namibia and conducting archival research and interviews for his next book, Dress and Trauma: Herero Women and the Aftermath of Genocide in German Southwest Africa, 1900s-2000. His study examines the relation between the traumatized black body and dress practices among the Herero women in Namibia and how clothing was used as symbolic materiality and the process of meaning making within the social, economic and political context of society past and present. His work will highlight new arguments and interpretations of women’s role in colonized society. Professor Buckridge will begin his yearlong program in January 2022.
---, Paper presentation; “Looking Good and Feeling Good: Fashioning Enslaved Bodies and the Materiality of Jamaican Lace-bark, 1700 to 1900,” at The Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies, The University of Bonn, Germany, September 22, 2021.
---, recipient of the 2022 Internationalization Award
Alice Chapman: The Eisenberg Institute for Historical Studies at the University of Michigan granted Professor Alice Chapman a Residency Research Fellowship for Fall 2022 and Winter 2023. The fellowship carries a $10,000 stipend, a fellows’ group to support research, university library privileges and office space. This is an exciting opportunity that provides access to exceptional resources for research and a community of scholars with whom to discuss ideas.
Eric Covey: "The Bethesda Home: A Case Study of Older Adults, Charity, and Resistance in Progressive Era Chicago" in Volume33, Number 3 of the Journal of Women's History.
---, Earned the Sandbox Learning Innovation Grant for Inclusive Excellence in the Classroom (September 2021).
---, “From Playa Girón to Luanda: Mercenaries and Internationalist Fighters,” The Tricontinental Revolution: Third World Radicalism and the Cold War, edited by R. Joseph Parrott and Mark Atwood Lawrence, Cambridge University Press Studies in US Foreign Relations, 2022. 304-31.
Jason Crouthamel: Trauma, Religion and Spirituality in Germany during the First World War. (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021).
---, Julia B. Köhne and Peter Leese, Languages of Trauma: History, Memory and Media (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021).
---, “Religious Language in German Soldiers’ Narratives of Traumatic Violence, 1914–1918,” in Peter Leese, Julia B. Köhne, and Jason Crouthamel, eds., Languages of Trauma: History, Memory and Media (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2021).
Abigail Gautreau: "What Happens Next? Institutionalizing Grassroots Success in Selma, Alabama," in Radical Roots: Public History and a Tradition of Social Justice Activism, 2021.
Nathan Kapoor: “Technology, Empire, and Environment,” Andrew Goss ed. Routledge History of Science and Empire, New York: Routledge University Press, July 2021.
---, Presenting as part of a roundtable for the 34th annual conference of the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts titled "Neglected Terms: The Strange Relationship between Energy and Language," October, 2021.
---, “Colonial Self-Sufficiency” Bernard Carlson and Eric Conway, eds. Rethinking Electrical History: From Esoteric Knowledge to Invisible Infrastructure to Fragile Networks. (MIT Press, Expected Late 2021).
Scott Lingenfelter: Book titled Cultural Diplomacy: Issues & Perspectives was accepted by Cognella Academic Press for publication soon.
Louis Moore: interviewed by the New York Times for a story about Muhammad Ali's popularity with filmmakers and authors.
Patrick Shan: “Li Dazhao and the Chinese Embracement of Communism,” in Chinese Ideology, Routledge, 2022, 94-110.
Carolyn Shapiro-Shapin: research featured in Smithsonian Magazine.
James Smither: Spoke at dedication ceremony for a mural depicting the Grand Rapids Chicks women's baseball team, part of the Women's Way project co-sponsored by Downtown Grand Rapids and the Greater Grand Rapids Women's History Council. September, 2021.
---, Presented to GVSU's Grand Forum about the WWII soldier's memoir that he is currently editing, "Death and Life in the Big Red One." September, 2021.
Scott Stabler: recipient of the 2021 Outstanding Educator Award. Alumni nominate a faculty member who has had a significant impact on the careers of alumni, and the Grand Valley Alumni Association presents the award annually over Homecoming weekend.
David Zwart: recipient of the 2022 Pew Teaching Excellence Award, which celebrates the work of faculty as teachers who inspire our students across the disciplines.
Steeve Buckridge: Keynote address, “The Wonders of Jamaican Lace-bark: Materiality, Performativity and the Construction of the Feminine,” The North America Hand Papermaking Annual Conference, online, October 17, 2020.
---, Guest speaker by invitation, “History of Jamaican Dress” Montgomery Photography Collection, Study Days Webinar, Art Gallery of Ontario, July 9-10, 2020.
---, Member of “Conceptual Framework: Modern Britain: Working Group on Curriculum for the British Government Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities” (by invitation), 2020.
---, Commentary on Dress in painting for the museum, Latin American Art (by invitation), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, August 4, 2020.
---, Commentary on Dress in painting for the museum, Portrait from 1770s, European Art, by invitation, National Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada, July 6, 2020.
Alice Chapman: “Christ the Physician: The Medieval Roots of Christus Medicus in Luther.” In Beyond Oberman: The Medieval Luther (Chapter 7). Edited by Christine Helmer. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck (2020), 105-126.
---, “Introduction to the Various Sermons of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.” In Bernard of Clairvaux, the Various Sermons. Translated by Grace Remington, OCSO. Cistercian Fathers Series 84. Collegeville, MN: Cistercian Publications, Liturgical Press (2020), 1-53.
---, Review of The Two Powers the Papacy, the Empire, and the Struggle for Sovereignty in the Thirteenth Century, by Brett Edward Whalen, The Medieval Review (November, 2020).
Jason Crouthamel: “Contested Memories of Traumatic Neurosis in Weimar and Nazi Germany,” in Nerven und Krieg: P sychische Mobilisierungs- und Leidenserfahrungen in Deutschland, 1900–1939, edited by Gundula Gahlen, Ralf Gnosa and Oliver Janz (eds), Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 2020, 253-273.
Peter Dobek: “Diplomacy and the Karczma/Taberna: The Role of Cracowian Public Houses in the Diplomatic Practice of the Jagiellonians (1430-1540).” Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu JagielloDskiego, Prace Historyczne [The Academic Journals of the Jagiellonian University, History Notebooks] 147, no. 1 (2020): 1-11.
---, will present a paper for the Department's Speaker Series titled “Visiting Taverns in Excess”: The University of Cracow and the Public Houses During the Jagiellonian Dynasty (1385-1572).
---, will present a paper at the 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies, titled “The University and the Public House: The Relationship between the University of Cracow and the Public Houses of the City.”
Nathan Kapoor: and Piers J. Hale, Elizabeth Neswald (eds). The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 8, (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2020).
---, Talks Delivered: Clarkson University, David A. Walsh Seminar Series, “We Have No Niagara: Electrifying the Britain of the South, 1880-1914.” (February 26th, 2021).
Chad Lingwood: “A Parvnch+ Turned Poet Dilettante: History and the Persian Ghazals of q Qoyknlk Statesman Najm al-D+n Mas‘kd Svaj+ (d. ca. 898/1493),” International Journal of Persian Literature 5, (2020): 63-84.
Paul Murphy: Edited Volume with Joseph Hogan, Jon K. Lauck, Andrew Seal, and Gleaves Whitney, eds., The Sower and the Seer: Perspectiveson the Intellectual History of the American Midwest. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2021.
---, “Ecocentrism, Humanism, and the Wilderness: Roundtable on Keith Makoto Woodhouse’s The Ecocentrists,” Part 3. S-USIH Blog, Aug. 13, 2020.
---, Review of Moving Up without Losing Your Way: The Ethical Costs of Upward Mobility, by Jennifer M. Morton, in Soundings. 103:4, 2020, 503-507.
---, Review of Iconoclast in Ink: The Political Cartoons of Jay N. “Ding” Darling, by Richard Samuel West, in Middle West Review. 6:1-2 (Fall/Spring 2019-2020), 179-82.
---, (Conference Papers): “Humanism, Religion, and the Conservative Battle for the American Mind,” #USIH2020 Conference: Revolution & Reform, Webinar, Nov. 30, 2020 (proposed and chaired this session as well).
Patrick Allan Pospisek: was re-elected treasurer of the Midwestern History Association.
Nora Salas: Professor Salas was appointed Director of the Kutsche Office of Local History in the Brooks College of Interdisciplinary Studies, beginning August 6, 2021.
Patrick Fuliang Shan: “Assessing Li Dazhao’s Role in the New Cultural Movement,” in A Century of Student Movements in China: The Mountain Movers, 1919-2019. Rowman Littlefield and Lexington Books, 2020, 3-22.
Tamara Shreiner, and B. M. Dykes. Visualizing the teaching of data visualizations in social studies: A study of teachers’ data literacy practices, beliefs, and knowledge, Theory & Research in Social Education (2020). DOI: 10.1080/00933104.2020.1850382.
---, & Zwart, D. It’s just different: Identifying features of disciplinary literacy unique to world history. The History Teacher. 53:3, (2020).
Tamara Shreiner: Building a data-literate citizenry: How U.S. state standards address data and data visualizations in social studies. Information and Learning Sciences, 121:11/12, 2020, 909-931.
--- Turning on the Historian’s Macroscope: A Call to Foreground the Teaching and Learning of Data Visualizations in World History Education. World History Connected. 17:1, 2020. https://worldhistoryconnected.press.uillinois.edu/17.1/shreiner.html.
In addition, Professor Shreiner was awarded an NSF Computer Science for All grant for a project she is collaborating on with University of Michigan computer science professor, Dr. Mark Guzdial. The project is titled Creating Adoptable Computing Education Integrated into Social Studies Classes.
Scott Stabler: “The Odd Couple: William T. Sherman, O.O. Howard, Loyalty, Soldiery, and the Freedpeople” with Eleanor Gleason cover article in The Journal of America’s Military Past, 46: 1 (Winter 2021), 5-24.
--- “Slave to Soldier: United States Colored Troops in the West During the Civil War,” with Martin J. Hershock, in Critical Race Studies Across Disciplines: Resisting Racism through Scholactivism, Jonathan Langston Chism, Stacie Craft DeFreitas, Vida Robertson, and David Ryden, editors (New York: Lexington Books, 2021), 51-75.
David Stark: “Crossing the Threshold from Adolescence to Adulthood in Eighteenth-Century Puerto Rico: The Baptismal Sponsorship of Enslaved Infants in Arecibo, 1735-1772.” Hispanic American Historical Review. 100:4, 2020, 623-654.
David, Zwart: “Teaching the Past: History Education among Dutch Americans” in Dutch Reformed Education: Immigrant Legacies in North America. Donald Luidens, Donald J. Bruggink, and Herman J. DeVries, Jr., eds. Holland, Mich.: Van Raalte Press, 2020.
--- and Tamara Shreiner, “It’s Just Different: Identifying Features of Disciplinary Literacy Unique to World History.” The History Teacher, 53, no. 3 (May 2020).
Faculty Anniversaries

Carolyn Shapiro-Shapin, 29 years!
Faculty Book Publications
Single Author Monographs